MRR #328 has hit the newsstands! This month we have an interview with Roger and Vinnie of AGNOSTIC FRONT, the last interview by Mr. Bruce Roehrs (RIP), from his all time favorite hardcore band. The PUFFY AREOLAS are continuing Ohio’s fine tradition of musical mutation, whilst SUPER WILD HORSES from Australia have been described as FLIPPER trying to play the SHOP ASSISTANTS, and we have some politically charged, female-fronted new wave from Macedonia courtesy of BERNAYS PROPAGANDA, which features ex-members of FPO. RAPE REVENGE from Canada is a mostly female, mostly power violence band, and DEATHRATS from DC are part of a crew of bands who are making sure hardcore stays harDCore in a most thrilling manner. Boston’s CONVERSIONS played driving complex punk inflected hardcore with some of the most ferocious female vocals. There are scene reports from New York City, and Brno in the Czech Republic, supposed to be one of the best places to play when touring Europe. We have cover art by Welly of long-running UK zine Artcore, and as always, the most extensive review section in punk, and all your favorite columnists!
*This issue mistakenly got labeled on the cover as the October issue when it shoulda been September. Don’t worry, the real October issue will come out as scheduled, and subscribers will get 12 issues this year. We apologize for the confusion.
MRR is contributor-driven, which means that we rely on punks like you for content. You don’t need an invitation to be a part of what we do.
For review and radio play consideration, send vinyl (preferred), CD, or cassette releases to PO Box 3852, Oakland, CA 94609, USA. Send us the final version of your record—we do not review digital releases, test presses, or promo CDs.
We will review everything that falls within our areas of coverage: independent punk, garage, and hardcore. This means no major labels or labels that are exclusively distributed by major-owned distributors. We reserve the right to reject releases on the basis of content. Music without vocals or drums will not be considered.
Please allow two months from your mailing date before following up to ask if we’ve received your submission.
We are always looking for interview, scene report, guest column, and photo submissions. Submission does not guarantee publication. In order to improve the chances of your submission being printed, please read our FAQ.
In addition to records, we also review independently published and produced zines, books, and movies. Please send physical copies to PO Box 3852, Oakland, CA 94609, USA. If you have a streaming link to your film, or if it is playing in the San Francisco Bay Area, please email the information to carolyn@maximumrocknroll.com.