July 28, 2016
New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…
“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…
Band name:
Date & location formed:
El 25 de Julio del 2015 en un almacen lleno de hippies cubiertos en cuero tapados con esparragos.
Reason for forming:
Me Aburro…
What are your lyrics about?
Ansiedad paralizante, nada, frustraciones sexuales, nada.
How would you describe your sound?
Una sonrisa en la guata.
What’s in the future for this band?
nada siempre se viene.
Links and contact info:

Date & location formed:
The idea for this band was floating around since summer of 2015, but it wasn’t until October that year that we actually wrote out songs and solidified the lineup that we have today. We are from South Florida.
Reason for forming:
We wanted to make a Latino presence larger in our scene. We love Los Crudos and they have a huge impact on us, but I wouldn’t say they influence us musically. People constantly throw around the words “white boy hardcore” when they talk about hardcore in South Florida and it’s really not that way at all.

What are your lyrics about?
Most of the lyrics are about US imperialism, racism, and people rising up to face their oppressors.
How would you describe your sound?
Catchy Oi! and UK82 influenced hardcore punk. Lyrics in Spanish being shouted over melodic riffs combined with hard stomping drumming and pogo beats.
What’s in the future for this band?
More touring, more music. We’re about to tour with Klout, who you just did a feature on, to the northeast to play Latino Punk Fest in New York. We have a tape with two new songs for that. Also, in December we’re touring to Texas and Mexico with Kombat from DC. We’re hoping to put out a 7″ sometime this year also. Here are the dates/event page for the Klout tour!
8/1 – MIAMI, FL @ The Granary w/ Antifaces, No Dice, Booger, and Go! Racer
8/2 – GAINESVILLE, FL @ The Nest w/ Rubbish, Vägra, TV Set, and Flower Child
8/3 – RICHMOND, VA @ Thunderdome w/ Regulator
8/5 – PHILADELPHIA, PA @ Time Cube w/ Blackout and Horse Girls
8/6 – NEW HAVEN, CT @ Thee House w/ Big Man and Sick Head
8/7 – BROOKLYN, NY @ Aviv LATINO PUNK FEST 2016 (no Klout)
8/8 – WASHINGTON D.C. @ Smash! Records w/ Mad Existence and Pink Film
8/9 – GREENSBORO, NC @ ??? w/ Substance and Bad Eric
Links and contact info:
The tour’s facebook event page
Updates, Pics, Other shit:

Band name:
Date & location formed:
Richmond, Virginia. Lurch, Wilbo, and Leo started playing together in October 2015. Rachel joined in January, we played our a first show a few weeks later during a blizzard.
Reason for forming:
Seemed right/stop drinking alone/pass the winter months.
What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics mostly deal with depression, feeling disconnected emotionally, alienation and frustration.. the usual.
How would you describe your sound?
Noisy hardcore punk? Maybe “harsh” or “dark” should be in there somewhere. Loud.
What’s in the future for this band?
Continue to play out of town, trying to have a 7″ out by winter.

Links and contact info:

Band name:
Date & location formed:
February 2015, McAllen, TEXAS.
Reason for forming:
We found like-minded, solid people, with the direction of bringing a different sound into our Rio Grande Valley’s punk community. That resulted in PROGRAM’s assembly with pillars, and amongst the ruins of local dissolved punk bands which helped consolidate our friendships, sound and the band’s foundation.
What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics talk about the things we experience and family’s circumstances like depression, addiction and poverty and their effects on me, on us, our friends and the people we love. Also about our community problems that prevail, but are not limited to the place where we live in the US/MEXICO border, for example: girls getting raped and slaughtered and people thrown into mass graves, the drug-war’s death toll, destruction and corruption; the unequal displacement of money. They also talk about broader spectrums that affect entire countries like war devastation, and the weapons used by systems to create and fight all these events.

How would you describe your sound?
Scandinavian-Dbeat-riffage influenced hardcore punk.
What’s in the future for this band?
Play some more in Texas, finish releasing the 7″, work on an LP and then tour in the US when and to where people invite us.
Links and contact info:
(demo cs in Europe) desorden138@gmail.com
(demo in US) tendenciasmuerendiscos@gmail.com

Band name:
Date & location formed:
Summer 2016, México city.
Reason for forming:
We aren’t from CDMX, Lisa is from Canada and Patricio and I are from the north of the country. We became close friends, and wanted to play and do something together before we left the city. We jokingly called this whole deal “the suicidal punk mission” since we practiced, played shows, and recorded in just one month.
What are your lyrics about?
They’re about mental illness, being sick of the city you live in, sexual harassment, feeling like you don’t fit in anywhere, fighting against shit that wants to fuck you up, disdain for control freaks… pretty much how we feel about the things we hate and are against.

How would you describe your sound?
Scrappy, loud, dual-vocals, crusty punk with an Angry Samoans kind of vibe.
What’s in the future for this band?
We just released our EP. We’re talking about making tour dates all over the country next year, when Lisa comes back to Mexico. And of course we’re making cassettes. We’re really excited for all this!!!
Links and contact info:

Band name:
Date & location formed:
October 5th 2015, at 3:18 PM in our room talking through the window into the backyard.
Reason for forming:
What else are we gonna do, we dunno, next question.
What are your lyrics about?
Everything our age knows, but is too chicken to talk about.
How would you describe your sound?
If you took a bowling ball, and rolled it into punk, the seven ten split is Stucko.
What’s in the future for this band?
Play shows, meet people, Rolling Stone magazine.

Links and contact info:

Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…
1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:
Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to: mrrnewblood@gmail.com
*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.