MRR Comics & Art Issue Artist Q&A with Abraham DÁaz
This month’s MRR magazine is the Comics & Art Issue! Throughout March we are highlighting some of the participating artists right here on Today we hear from the creator of this issue’s cover artwork, Mexico City’s Abraham DÁaz!

What are your main publishing projects?
I publish a comic book called Zona Marginal, and I put out a few months ago another zine, published in France by Alex Ratcharge called Inborn Medicority—a definitive anthology of my previously published art and comics, containing art and comics published in anthologies and publications of that sort. Have done artwork for Pura ManÁa, Fracaso, Treatment, MÁ¸RbÁ¸, No Patience Records, and some flyers for Pizza Punks in California, Criaturas and Gas Rag gigs in Mexico City.
What are some of your artistic influences?
Robert Crumb and cartoonists from the US from all times… from Boody Rogers to Daniel Clowes, Fletcher Hanks to Jack Davis or Wally Wood to Tim Hensley. Political cartoons from all times, of all sorts, I love those cartoons and “cartooning” as a serious occupation.
Musical influences?
I like Spanish punk bands the most, I can say Sudor is my favorite band ever (Hector is also a great cartoonist). I also like spooky music in general, like Jacula when I want to draw something “dark.” I also play a lot of Contropotere, Blood Axis, Coil, Red Temple Spirits when drawing… Lately I’ve been obsessed with Ášltimo Gobierno’s drums…
How would you describe your style of drawing?
I would describe my drawing style as “stupid.”
What other punk projects are you involved with?
I can play the drums a little, but no one wants to start a band with me, so all I can do is draw and help my friends of Cintas Pepe with the layout of their records.
What’s in the future for you as a cartoonist/artist?
My future as a cartoonist here is to starve to death.
Check out more from Abraham at
For links and more info about this artist and all of the artists in our Comics & Art Issue, check out the artist bios page.