Bad Fidelity


Bad Fidelity We’ve Peaked CD

This debut from Asheville trash punks doesn’t do much for me. Far be it from me to tell a group not to keep doing what they’re doing, but I found this to be a low-energy affair that suffers from redundancy. Songs are mostly based on one hook, and typically not one that is strong conceptually or melodically. The repetition of a phrase like “ramen noodles,” for example, doesn’t lead me anywhere in particular. There are bands that excel at this sort of thing, namely MOMMY LONG LEGS and SURFBORT, but that’s because they sell what they’ve got with high energy and earworm melodies. Now I can get behind a band doing its own thing, and I applaud the self-recorded, self-released model. I hope they keep at it and keep tweaking the formula. To my ear, the songwriting just isn’t there yet.