Band of Bastards / Black Mercy American Carnage / The Curse split LP
BLACK MERCY and BAND OF BASTARDS are both punk/hardcore bands from Austin, Texas. This split LP offers ’80s-style blasts of hardcore on both sides. BLACK MERCY has a bouncy, lurchy feel on tracks like “The Curse.” They call to mind the frenetic urgency of SOUL GLO and classics like MINOR THREAT’s self-titled release. I particularly enjoyed “Salvo,” with its guitar soloing and danceable breakdowns, and imagine this would be a ton of fun to see live. BAND OF BASTARDS features former members of SPARTA and …AND YOU WILL KNOW US BY THE TRAIL OF DEAD. Interestingly though, the band sounds like neither of those, and once again conjures not only ’80s hardcore but also DC hardcore (my favorite kind!) in particular. “FYP” is a powerful anthem, with driving drums and a switch to an upbeat rhythm midway through. I loved the lyrics of “Lack of Love,” a snarling treatise on “shitheads with no remorse,” exploring empty words and the disconnect of those who make policies and those who have to live with them. Overall, I am excited by what these bands are doing, their take on the world, and the politics/values they are covering. What this split did, which is what all good splits should do, is make me wish I was at a show they were both playing—ideally in front of a building we were all protesting. Coke bottle clear with blue swirl vinyl frankly also sounds delightful, and this release can provide you that!