Cell Deth


Cell Deth Catholic Guilt EP

Super-fast, super-punk band from Canada. Most of their songs clocked in around the one-minute mark, very classically punk. I really enjoyed the overarching themes of the album that were incorporated throughout each song, I found that it really tied it all together, and I thought it was great. I also enjoyed the switching of tempos in a couple of tracks from the super-fast to the (slightly) slower, more classically HC beats. That being said, sometimes the tracks felt quite similar to one another, but I was still jamming out.

Cell Deth Cell Deth demo cassette

The pissed-off punk clatter of Canada’s CELL DETH is pretty damn sharp. It’s old-school hardcore with an urgent and authentic feel, and the raw sound on this demo, with the intense vocals competing to be heard over the music, complements the style. My favorite moments here are the off-kilter stomp and cartoonish riffage of “Disposable Culture,” the blastbeat-laden “Climate Crisis,” and the furious closer, but the whole thing just rips on by and leaves a good taste.