

Coronary M.A.D.ness LP

Crazy artwork on the cover of this LP released in February. A decade-long project that’s Chicago-based, frantically energetic and filled with angsty, metallic-infused hardcore that reaches velocity in a second—pit-advocates will endure and like this. Vocals punch low with anger and rapidity. Recommended tracks: “State of Torment” and “Plenty Was Never Enough.” Metallic forms of hardcore punk are alive and well in the Windy City.

Coronary The Future is Now 12”

On their debut 12” The Future…Is Now, Chicago’s CORONARY bangs out nine solid cuts of hardcore that have a nice metallic sheen and lots of anger to spare. Sonically, CORONARY successfully incorporates a few different styles here, from the thrash-y “Future Ruin” to manic powerviolence on “Suffer The People.” The standout for me is “Violent Era,” a fun ripper that goes from D-beat to beatdown. For fans of HEAVEN’S GATE and MUNICIPAL WASTE.