

Driver Fuck You EP

A labor of love started in 1994 by TOTALITÄR and BRAINBOMBS’ own Lanchy, DRIVER recorded ten tracks in 2000, five of which are featured here on Fuck You. A stripped-down, no-frills affair with a dirty, lo-fi quality, per the sleeve this was inspired by heavy-hitters like the FIX, DISCHARGE, MC5, POISON IDEA, RADIO BIRDMAN, and “distorted rock’n’roll guitars in general.” The final product is just that, a fuzzy slurry of dis-beat-influenced proto-punk. If that sounds weird, trust me, it works. “Junkie Corpse” is a favorite and definitely delivers on the POISON IDEA influence, while “Deform Reform” has some tasty blues licks that are unexpected but certainly welcome. Overall, I hear more IGGY AND THE STOOGES than anything else, and for that I am thankful. A gnarly little record that I can’t recommend enough.