Es War Mord Die Utopie der Kosmonauten LP
Third LP from Berliners ES WAR MORD, with a title that translates to “The Utopia of the Cosmonauts.” My first passive listen didn’t draw me in, but taking time with it, I found technical breaks, guitar chugging (like on “Hinterlist”) that sounds lifted from a DEAD KENNEDYS rhythm, surprising pinch harmonics, and strained vocals like a German LEATHERFACE. Mid-tempo, gruff, with some melancholic melodies and guitar solos mixed in. Truly a lot to offer, yet they are concise and super tight. “Derselbe Atem” is a good taster, if you’re not ready to dive into the fourteen tracks within. Everything’s sung in German, so I couldn’t tell you what they’re getting on about, but either way, I’m in for it.