

Exedo The Body Remembers LP

Debut LP from Chicago-based EXEDO, comprised of Milo Mendoza on bass, Vince Miller on drums, Christine Wolf on vocals/keys/guitar, and David Wolf on guitar. The Wolfs put out quite a few records as DAYLIGHT ROBBERY, but have reformed here with a slightly more synth-forward version of their soaring female-vocal post-punk. The Body Remembers features icy, reverb-heavy guitar lines on top of chunky, palm-muted verses with a synth flowing lithely in the undercurrent. None of the songs are under two minutes, most averaging around the three-and-a-half-minute mark, leaving plenty of time for lyrically questioning the “exedo” (Latin for eat up, devour, consume, etc.) of mankind with songs like “Victims of Convenience,” reflecting with hollow wails and shouts over bass-and-drums turbulence. While the mood is dark and sweeping, the beat is uptempo and just poppy enough to give balance to the melancholic vocals. All four songs from their 2020 demo made the cut here, and it’s good as always to see a band that made it through the pandemic years! Great debut, would highly recommend it for fans of SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES.