Geoduck Diodes Must Fry All Planets! cassette
Fourteen-song cassette, though two of the “songs” are each a mere two seconds long, so I’m not sure if those truly count. Bonkers, lo-fi, spaced-out boppy egg-punk, a whopping ten minutes and fifty-seven seconds worth of it! Only one track here just barely crosses the one-minute threshold, aside from the bizarre two-minute-forty final outro track “Trapped Here.” Physical cassette is dubbed on a ninety-minute cassette with the recording repeated over and over on each side. Absolutely wild solo project from Tübingen, Germany, “recorded on my intergalactic couch and bed’.” If you’re of the mindset that egg-punk is over, I suggest you let GEODUCK DIODES have a word with you. Personally, I am in full support of the home-recorded solo projects. I mean, what are the truly maniacal wacko punkers out there supposed to do? There’s no way a group of friends could be convinced to learn and record this mayhem, so it’s off to the intergalactic bedroom! Keep ‘em coming, GEODUCK DIODES rule.