Green River Dry as a Bone 12″
Five tunes, most of which are steeped in mid-period LED ZEP crap. Blues based self-important rock with lyrics about “babes” predominate.
Five tunes, most of which are steeped in mid-period LED ZEP crap. Blues based self-important rock with lyrics about “babes” predominate.
This band is still a mix of styles on this second 12″. Although there’s no apparent “hit” here, each song has a different signature; gloomy, rock’n’roll, metalish ballads, etc. And each is powerful in its own right. It’s a little hard to get hooked on these buys, but they’re good.
The band says they sound like the STOOGES, AEROSMITH, and the PISTOLS — and guess what? Yup, that’s what they sound like on both tracks here, with a dash of DEAD BOYS.
From Seattle, where heavy metal is a big force to reckon with, comes this debut. I’m not really sure about this record yet, but they stray a line very close to mid-period BLACK FLAG while tending to go for a more infernal, personal side to their lyrics.