

Hever L​á​ska, Peniaze, Strach EP

A decent if not slightly patchy collection of songs from Czech quartet HEVER. On their Bandcamp, they cite ’80s NYHC and bands like CRO-MAGS and DINOSAUR JR. as influences, which all checks out; the riffs are big and the vocals are near-spoken-word most of the time. HEVER definitely has some chops—they play at breakneck speed, and on songs like “Succubus/Incubus” and the title track “Láska, Peniaze, Strach” (“Love, Money, Fear”), they’re at their thrash-y best. Elsewhere they lose me, like the corny backing vocals on “Popol” or the completely out-of-left-field final track “Do Čina,” an out-of-place post-punk deathrock cover that feels like an odd way to end the album. Honestly, if they trimmed this down by a few songs and stuck the landing, I’d be far more generous. Not a bad record, but not something I’ll be revisiting.