Negative Rage


Negative Rage If You’re a Punk, I Don’t Wanna Be One & Sensitive City LP

These guys are punk as hell. Insanely badass punk/HC band that doesn’t seem to take themselves too seriously, as seen on tracks like “Ack Ack Ack” (URNIALS). In classic punk fashion, they aren’t afraid to call people out in tracks like “Local Rocker” or “Social Networking.” Besides the definite aspect of punk, they’re able to bring elements of sheer noise and chaos, as well as a variety of spoken word apathy and absolute disheveled screams. Because most songs clocked in around the one-minute mark, they pack a lot of good meat into this album; I was never bored. I couldn’t decide if this album made me wanna buy a guitar so I could smash it into pieces or to pick it up and play along. Either way is great.