Nov LT Recesses cassette
The use of certain descriptors can feel very reductive. Being in a band ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, and having the time and energy spent on writing, rehearsing, and recording songs boiled down to a couple words seems kinda lazy and (over) easy. So I ain’t gonna do it! On to the matter at hand…NOV LT (pronounced like “novel tea,” I presume) plays ultra lo-fi, new wave-y punk, served up hot and runny, right off the breakfast plate. The snot-nosed vocals and modulated guitars remind me a lot of SKULL CULT, but more damaged. Fuck art, this is nerd-damaged. The opening track is called “Daniel Johnston on Love Island,” for chrissakes. Not a chain in sight. If you’re familiar with XTRO’s catalog, then you know precisely what I mean. If I have any complaints here, it’s that for a band named NOV LT, I expected them to bring something new to the table. But hey, these lads are quite good at what they do and there’s nothing new under the sun. After all, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few…ahhh, forget it.