

Puncture Mucky Pup / You Can’t Rock and Roll 7″ reissue

General Speech is a shoo-in for 2024’s reissue label of the year. Those DEEF LPs, the LEGION OF PARASITES 12”, those two DIE ÖWAN collections—just absolutely essential shit! And this reissue of PUNCTURE’s 1977 classic, the 7” that kickstarted Small Wonder Records (one of the first independent punk labels in the UK) is quite the cherry to throw on top of all that. For my money, “Mucky Pup” is one of the best (and maybe punkest!) numbers to come out of the UK’s second wave. Just an absolute burner of a track, a two-minute ode to being a gross teen from a bunch of gross teens who preferred the DAMNED to the PISTOLS and were too Cockney to be bothered with all the bondage pants and safety pins of their contemporaries, looking instead like they’d been outfitted at the UK’s equivalent of Sears. The track’s loutish attitude would serve as inspiration for the emerging streetpunk subgenre—in fact, the EXPLOITED covered it on their debut LP—and its unbridled immaturity (including some extremely wild synth racketry) ultimately earned it a spot on one of the Killed by Death compilations. It’s really great…but you likely already know that. What you’re less likely to be familiar with, though, is this B-side. “You Can’t Rock and Roll” is less a punk track in the KBD sense and closer to one in the Nuggets sense. It sounds like one of the more R&B-influenced beat groups (let’s say the YARDBIRDS circa 1964), but it’s stripped back to the point of almost qualifying as a skiffle number. But with an attitude straight out of a kitchen sink drama and a yobbo-ass sense of humor, it ends up sounding undoubtedly punk. Fuck—I just love it! What an incredible 7”!