Septic Death Burial Mai So EP
For a band that hasn’t been active in years, they do get an amazing amount of vinyl out. This is a Japanese release of great sounding material. Which includes a MINOR THREAT/SSD medley cover.
For a band that hasn’t been active in years, they do get an amazing amount of vinyl out. This is a Japanese release of great sounding material. Which includes a MINOR THREAT/SSD medley cover.
A sort-of reissue. Side B is the same as the original—speedcore wailing and frantic Pus vocals. The A-side, however, is another story: three tracks are from the original release, but have new guitar and vocals; three are completely new tunes; and three are songs that appeared on various comps, again redone. Beautiful packaging.
This live recording dates back two years (SEPTIC DEATH haven’t played live in well over a year, but will regroup this summer, according to Pushead) and features a whole slew of songs, including some not on their studio LP. The sound quality is definitely lacking on the bass end, but gives a good representation of their breakneck stop-and-go thrash interspersed with metalish breaks. The first of a whole series of 10″ live discs on this label.
Heh, heh. After Pushead’s wisecracks at the beginning of his column, I can’t wait to review his band’s record. Unfortunately, it’s good. Oh, well. Actually, it’s ferocious. It combines the manic attack of the Boston bands with the recklessness of the best Finnish and Swedish thrash groups. Being a perfectionist, the Pus has worked long and hard on his debut, with excellent results. It should serve as a lesson for many young bands—wait until you’ve got it together before going public. This shreds.