Shitty Life


Judy and the Jerks / Shitty Life split LP

Good HC/punk split record. JUDY AND THE JERKS open insanely strong with a unique start to “Something On Your Mind?—super-fast guitar, then a break for a quick bass lick. Their songs manage to somehow get faster and faster, to the point where I audibly said “goddamn,” out loud. Sheer speed and madness, loved it. SHITTY LIFE brings the same energy in a different way. While they’re less fast, the clean guitar mixed with loud and slightly distorted vocals creates a fun combination. More of a power punk band, they’re punk but with more character. “Your Life, Their Choice” is a powerful track to end the album with.

Shitty Life Limits to Growth EP

Parma, Italy won’t stop surprising us with their garage punk releases, like their fellow residents DADAR (more egg-punk, but still on the same wavelength). On this occasion, we have SHITTY LIFE delivering a frantic, fast-paced garage punk seven-track EP, full of energy, histrionic high-pitched guitars, and consonant screaming vocals very much singing along with the band’s overall rhythm. Reverb and tone changes are on-point, with a good non-stop drumming. Tune your chitarrino for this one. Favorite track: “In the Corner,” the one instrumental song, as it gives me a new wave feeling somehow related to skating and roaming the streets with friends; solid good.