

Sullest Sullest LP

Providence’s SULLEST, featuring members of WEAK TEETH and GOOD LORD, among others, cranks out a tight, genre-blurring ride on this LP. Released via Armageddon—the same label that brought us the brutality of DROPDEAD, SEEIN’ RED, BASTARD NOISE, and ESCUELA GRIND—this one takes a left turn into radically different territory. The band is pitched as “stoner punk,” but it feels more like punk with a balance of stoner and post-rock elements, featuring heavy riffs, aggressive rhythms, and yelled vocals that bring to mind a more chilled-out, later-era VERSE. Thankfully, with eleven songs in under thirty minutes, there isn’t much time for the aimless noodling that makes so much post-rock a slog. I liked this album, but I liked it most when they were cranking. Strong production and energetic performances make this worth a spin—especially if you don’t mind some chonky grooves and a little atmosphere. Check out: “Contact High.”