Blog of the Week: Thunderhorse Vintage

We all know punk and fashion are intertwined. This can be a hot topic as the debate over the phrase “if you don’t wear studs, fuck you” can get a bit intense. But there is a common ground where a magical combination of punk, fashion, politics, and all around rad feminism converge onto one site. The Thunderhorse Vintage blog has been a favorite with the folks at the MRR house and many radical punks alike. Thunderhorse Vintage, as a store and site, support DIY punk artisans and uphold the core Maximum beliefs to the highest. The store is located in Sacramento, CA, but punks near and far can experience the magic online. Many posts will make you think, if not laugh out loud, with their political wit and satire regarding all ironic and dumb things punks say, do, and wear, while providing a just critique of the strange times in which we live. Fashion is not just about aesthetics and wearing your safety-pinned heart on your sleeve, but can be a good way to say “fuck off” to the mainstream. The women behind this blog and store are also booking shows in Sacramento and have a history of being in solid bands like Verräterisch. DIY or die! Up punx!