Maximum Rocknroll is and will always be a volunteer-run operation. It is an economically self-sustaining project, with all proceeds either used to cover expenses or donated to similarly minded not-for-profit projects.
Now more than ever, we have shitworkers located all around the world. If you have a few hours a month to spare, we would love to hear from you.
Reviews: We review records, CDs, demos, zines, books, and movies. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, send us an email introducing yourself and we’ll send you an application. We are especially interested in finding people who can review books and zines that are in languages other than English.
Interviews and Articles: Do you want to see a band you like interviewed in MRR? Make it happen! Get in touch with proposals, or send us completed pieces for consideration.
Transcribing: Are you a fast and accurate typist? Help us get interviews typed up and edited!
Translating: We often receive interviews in bands’ native languages. We are always looking for translators who are able to accurately and quickly translate into English.
Archive: We’re building a comprehensive database of our record collection, which will include discographical information, record reviews, and more. If you enjoy doing data entry, you can help us enter archival reviews.
MRR meets on the first Saturday of the month. All are welcome to attend these meetings as observers or as participants. Our next meeting is October 3rd, 2020 at 11:30am PST.