Yes, punx, 2014 is going strong with MRR #369, the February issue of Maximum Rocknroll featuring cover art by Leah Wishnia!
We check in with Polish legends DEZERTER, while Japan’s STRANGE FACTORY lets us know what it’s like living in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and STOIC VIOLENCE fills us in on the problems with bands compromising ethics for fame. ARCTIC FLOWERS discuss the current post-punk trend in DIY, David West of RANK/XEROX and RAT COLUMNS talks inspiration, and VOIGH-KAMPFF tell us what it’s like to be in a cross-country band. NÜ-KLÄ’-ÆR BLAST SUNTAN talks about band dynamics and relationships, POLISKITZO reps L.A. and their homies, and GOBIERNO MILITAR talks about discovering punk in Spain. And, as always, we have your favorite columnists and the largest, most extensive punk reviews section in print!
MRR is contributor-driven, which means that we rely on punks like you for content. You don’t need an invitation to be a part of what we do.
For review and radio play consideration, send vinyl (preferred), CD, or cassette releases to PO Box 3852, Oakland, CA 94609, USA. Send us the final version of your record—we do not review digital releases, test presses, or promo CDs.
We will review everything that falls within our areas of coverage: independent punk, garage, and hardcore. This means no major labels or labels that are exclusively distributed by major-owned distributors. We reserve the right to reject releases on the basis of content. Music without vocals or drums will not be considered.
Please allow two months from your mailing date before following up to ask if we’ve received your submission.
We are always looking for interview, scene report, guest column, and photo submissions. Submission does not guarantee publication. In order to improve the chances of your submission being printed, please read our FAQ.
In addition to records, we also review independently published and produced zines, books, and movies. Please send physical copies to PO Box 3852, Oakland, CA 94609, USA. If you have a streaming link to your film, or if it is playing in the San Francisco Bay Area, please email the information to carolyn@maximumrocknroll.com.