MRR #38 • July 1986


  1. The A-Bones
  2. The Afflicted
  3. Agnostic Front
  4. The Bats
  5. The Beast
  6. Blue Room
  7. The Boneless Ones
  8. Cannibal
  9. Crash Course
  10. Critic Eyes
  11. Cruel Lyes
  12. Dr. Bombay
  13. Fearless Iranians From Hell
  14. Group of Individuals
  15. Jungle Studs
  16. Die Kreuzen
  17. Masters of the Obvious
  18. The Micronotz
  19. Mod Fun
  20. Out of Order
  21. Maggot Sandwich
  22. Ramones
  23. Ritual Tension
  24. Sonic Youth
  25. The Subhumans
  26. The Untold Fables
  27. Uzi
  28. Violent Children
  29. Vale of Tears
  30. Wasted Youth
  31. White Flag
  32. The Woolies
  33. Wipers
  34. The Yobs
  35. Yo
  36. V/A
  37. Antiseptic
  38. The Birdmen of Alkatraz
  39. Broken Bones
  40. Butcher
  41. CCCP Fedeli Alla Linea
  42. Calvingrad
  43. The Celibate Rifles
  44. Confuse
  45. The Damned
  46. Disaccord
  47. Disarray
  48. Dorian Gray
  49. Dream Police
  50. Fuck Geez
  51. Gastunk
  52. Gudon
  53. H.D.Q.
  54. Half Man Half Biscuit
  55. Hemmungslose Erotik
  56. Human Waste
  57. The Idiots
  58. Inferno
  59. Juggernaut
  60. Junk Schizo
  61. The Leather Nun
  62. The Legendary Golden Vampires
  63. Mask Haagaz
  64. New Rose
  65. The Nikoteens
  66. The Nirvana Devils
  67. No Allegiance
  68. Oi Polloi
  69. One Hundred Names
  70. Outo
  71. Party Kidz
  72. The Primitives
  73. Raw Power
  74. The Revells
  75. Satanic Malfunctions
  76. Scraps
  77. Sine Sine Dan
  78. Shiny Gnomes
  79. The Shower Scene From Psycho
  80. Skeezicks
  81. The Slaughter
  82. The Soup Dragons
  83. The Swankys
  84. Terveet Kädet
  85. That Petrol Emotion
  86. Toxik Ephex
  87. Trotskids
  88. UK Subs
  89. Uproar
  90. Vortex
Read all MRR #38 • July 1986 reviews