Hey punx! A new month brings a new “issue†of MRR with online record reviews and even more content in the days and weeks ahead… Watch for new columns coming shortly, and lots more in the future!
Earlier this year, I needed to get some repair work done on our dishwasher. I asked a good friend who runs a record label near our house if he could recommend anyone, since he’d help us find repair people in the past and I trusted his opinion. He said he knew a guy who had been involved […]
Read full "A Day Without Music? A Lifetime? Unthinkable!" columnThe weirdest thing happened to me. After school one day, I was checking my email, and I see a message titled “BBC Interview Request: Maximum RocknRoll.” Yeah, that BBC. Like, what the fuck? Is this even real? Well, it was real. The BBC is putting together a radio documentary of the end of the print […]
Read full "Blank Generation" columnWhen faced with two bad choices, choose the third. It’s the proverb I try to live by. Most prefer the lesser-of-two-evils approach to things. I prefer tertium quid every time. Tertium quid started with Plato, who first used the term (triton ti) around 360 bce. In ancient Greek philosophy, it meant something that escapes classification […]
Read full "What’s Left?" column