Yup, it’s October and your MRR column class has resumed. Time to get edjumacated. Or at least find a way to cope with what’s going to happen over the next 8-10 months—that’s if you’re still involved in some kind of academic pursuit or have college students disrupting your otherwise-tranquil life. Educational topics have long been […]
Read full "Back In School" columnIn 2006, Scott Soriano (SS Records) interviewed Tom Lax (Siltbreeze Records) for Terminal Boredom. When Soriano declared The Fugs «the first great American punk band», Lax agreed they were «great on so many levels; they were provocateurs, city radicals, literate, thinking, rapier-sharp people.» «Aha!» commented Soriano; «words like that will get you crucified by today’s punk rockers’!»
Read full "Provocateurs & City Radicals" columnAn in-depth examination of fascist Third World and First World Third Positionism and how they interact.
Read full "What’s Left?" columnWhen hearing Soot, conservative ears may feel like they might have in 1977 when stumbling upon, say, the Sex Pistols, or in 1956 when hearing Cecil Taylor. “What the hell is this racket?” they will grumble. Or maybe they’ll just shrug, impatient to clean their eardrums with some mild goth-punk. An exaggeration? Yeah, right. If […]
Read full "What I Do Is Little of My Own Business (An Interview with SOOT)" interviewModern academia has a well-deserved reputation for stuffiness, so imagine entering that world at a time when not wearing skirts—and, perhaps, being a woman at all—was considered unprofessional. Esther Newton is a queer anthropologist best known for her book Mother Camp, the publication of her doctoral research on drag culture. As implied by the memoir’s […]
Read full "My Butch Career" ReviewIf you’re like me, you might think that reading dystopian fiction is hardly necessary these days, what with the Incels, children in cages, and the rapid expansion of shanty town style tent communities in the most affluent cities in the country. But Paul Park’s excellent collection of stories A City Made of Words is a refreshingly trenchant […]
Read full "A City Made of Words" Review