Mentally Unstable zine

One of the greatest things about volunteering at MRR is the access to our incredible archive of records, fanzines, tapes and assorted other weirdo stuff!
Mentally Unstable zine came out in 1984, has reviews of THE COMES “No Side” 12″, the GISM “Detestation” 12″, KUKL and ULTIMO RESORTE records. I have tried to scan in the reviews page, but unfortunately my scanning job wasn’t quite able to capture the insanity of the 5pt font and the ADD layout! There are reviews of records separated by country, from Holland to South Africa, Norway to Australia… So many classic records: SVART FRAMTID, MALINHEADS… I also scanned in the cover and another random page, so maybe you can make out some of the text. This zine was from the UK, and really captures the excitement of hardcore and punk. It’s really funny too…