Monday Photo Blog: Disclose!
Rafael Yaekashi Karasu from Killer Records sent an email around saying he’d gotten ahold of some old/rare DISCLOSE photos from He put them on Flickr to share, so we thought we’d pass along the favor. Here’s a small handful. Check out more of them HERE.

If you shoot shows and have photos you want to submit for the MRR Blog (or like today, have old photos of a killer band), send them to: Be sure to put “MRR Photo Blog” in the subject. Include your name, the band, where and when it was shot. Just send your best photos — edit tightly. Three to five photos is plenty. Please do not send watermarked photos. We like to exercise a little quality control here…not everything sent in will be posted. Please size your photos so they are 600 pixels (72 dpi) at the longest side.