Monday Photo Blog: Leonan Claro!!
Someday I will go to Brazil. It’s on my list. But for now, I’ll live vicariously through photographs. Today’s Monday Photo Blog is from Leonan Claro, with photos from Cruel Hand‘s 2013 South American tour. Here they’re playing at Espaço Cultural Francisco de Assis França (ECFA) in Volta Redonda, Brazil, on May 30, with Clearview (SÁ£o Paulo), Final Round (SÁ£o Paulo) and Nossa VitÁ³ria (Volta Redonda). For more work from Leonan, go to

Send your tour photos, bands that have come through your town, the best of your local bands, etc. to: Include your name, a link to your website (or flickr, Facebook, or whatever), and the band (or subject), date and location of each photo. Just send your best photos — edit tightly. Three to seven photos is plenty, and it’s best to send pictures of different bands. Please do not send watermarked photos. Please make your photos 72 dpi and about 600—800 pixels at the longest side. Not everything sent in will be posted, and a response is not guaranteed, but we do appreciate all of your contributions. Feel free to submit more than once. Thanks!