Monday Photo Blog: Return to Indonesia
Of any country besides the US, Indonesia is probably the best represented here on MRR’s Monday Photo Blog. We get a steady stream of submissions from Indonesia photographers. Today’s came back in June from A. Okhi Irawan, a longtime MRR reader. Most of these photos are from the early ’00s “where the Indonesia’s despotic goverment change into reform age, and re-shape how punks movement during that age.”
Thanks for the photos A. Okhi!

![Ari Ernesto founding members of diy hc-punk Domestik Doktrin, Hark! And the crawling tar tar] at Uninus Philladelphia's diy-hc RAMBO gigs in Indonesia.](

Send your tour photos, bands that have come through your town, the best of your local bands, etc. to: Include your name, the band, where and when it was shot, and a link to your website (or flickr, Facebook, or whatever). Just send your best photos — edit tightly. Three to five photos is plenty, and it’s best to send pictures of different bands. Please do not send watermarked photos. We like to exercise a little quality control here…not everything sent in will be posted. Please make your photos 72 dpi and about 600—800 pixels at the longest side. Thanks!