Monday Photo Blog: Useless Rebel edition
After the awesome blast-from-the-past of Bill Daniel’s photos from last week I thought it appropriate to return to today for this Monday’s photos. Dante Torrieri/Useless Rebel sent a handful of photos from some shows in Philadelphia that stood out. It’s hard getting good, close-up shots of bands that still manage to capture any kind of emotion or excitement. Dante’s managed to do it with these photos. He regularly has photos in the Philly webzine Blow The Scene, or you can see plenty more photos at his Flickr site. DIG IN!

Send your tour photos, bands that have come through your town, the best of your local bands, etc. to: Include your name, the band, where and when it was shot, and a link to your website (or flickr, Facebook, or whatever). Just send your best photos — edit tightly. Three to five photos is plenty, and it’s best to send pictures of different bands. Please do not send watermarked photos. We like to exercise a little quality control here…not everything sent in will be posted. Please make your photos 72 dpi and about 600—800 pixels at the longest side. Thanks!