Monday Photo Blog: Will Kinser kills it!
As you can see from the last post, the MRR photo issue is finally out! Fuck yeah!
Another hearty thanks to everyone who sent in photos, to the people who sent in interviews and those who helped with the bibliography of punk photo books. Extra big thanks to Will Kinser who offered some long distance help from Germany, coming through not only with two interviews, but he sent in an awesome batch of photos too. Here are a few of ’em:

I wanna clear a small point of confusion — I had mentioned a silk-screened cover version of the photo issue being available for subscribers. Due to various technical difficulties, it didn’t happen. The photo issue is available directly from MRR or anywhere that usually carries Maximum.
In the (near) future, check out MRR for interviews with some great punk photographers from the past, including Ed Colver, James Stark, and lots more.
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Wanna submit a photo for the MRR Photo Blog?
If you shoot shows and have photos you want to submit for the MRR Blog, send them to: Be sure to put “MRR Photo Blog” in the subject. Include your name, the band, where and when it was shot. Just send your best photos — edit tightly. Three to five photos is plenty. We will be exercising a little quality control here…not everything sent in will be posted. Please size your photos so they are 500 pixels (72 dpi) at the longest side.
There are a lot of awesome photographers out there shooting shows…and there are a lot of unseen archives of old shows. Show us what you’ve got!