MRR #327 is out now! This month’s cover is graced by the amazing handiwork of Brazilian photographer Mateus Mondini, featuring Brazilian rippers OS ESTUDANTES with a killer interview inside! A revelation awaits you when you read about North America’s first all-female punk band THE CURSE from Toronto, Canada. Punk professor Conta of PEKINSKA PATKA delivers an insightful perspective on old-school punk and new wave in the former Yugoslavia in the oppressive and turbulent late 70s and early 80s — a smart, funny and moving interview. Get your hardcore mind blown with an epically long interview the mysterious and dark THOU from New Orleans. This issue is also proud to present an amazing nine page Italian scene report, packed full of info on labels, fanzines and venues, and descriptions of new regional bands and where to hear them! The VENEREANS of Valencia, Spain, give us an interview about their beach punk stylings. We have a long chat with Alex, creator of the killer French zine Ratcharge, inspired by raw, punk, Discharge-influenced music. Midwestern antisocial, bratty hardcore punks CULO deliver their musings on punk life. The letters section picks up, and a great prisoner column, the usual columnists and the most comprehensive review section in punk all await you in this issue!
MRR is contributor-driven, which means that we rely on punks like you for content. You don’t need an invitation to be a part of what we do.
For review and radio play consideration, send vinyl (preferred), CD, or cassette releases to PO Box 3852, Oakland, CA 94609, USA. Send us the final version of your record—we do not review digital releases, test presses, or promo CDs.
We will review everything that falls within our areas of coverage: independent punk, garage, and hardcore. This means no major labels or labels that are exclusively distributed by major-owned distributors. We reserve the right to reject releases on the basis of content. Music without vocals or drums will not be considered.
Please allow two months from your mailing date before following up to ask if we’ve received your submission.
We are always looking for interview, scene report, guest column, and photo submissions. Submission does not guarantee publication. In order to improve the chances of your submission being printed, please read our FAQ.
In addition to records, we also review independently published and produced zines, books, and movies. Please send physical copies to PO Box 3852, Oakland, CA 94609, USA. If you have a streaming link to your film, or if it is playing in the San Francisco Bay Area, please email the information to carolyn@maximumrocknroll.com.