July 19, 2017
Iced, Farce, Fuse, and Gumming
New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…

How did your band come to be?
Elle: Jordan and myself started writing the demo in Spring/Summer 2016 on our own here in Eugene, OR. Rehearsed and recorded the demo in Jordan’s garage in winter and released it in February 2017.
Your lyrics aren’t just hardcore platitudes, there’s rich and sensitive content. If you don’t mind, Tell me about them:
Elle: I think our goal is to write personal lyrics that people can relate to. In specific, women and femme people. Our lyrics don’t necessarily pertain to only a single topic, but I think there’s always an underlying theme of overcoming obstacles and issues that people face on a day to day basis. Be it something simple and obvious like a shitty job, or something more personal like dealing with abuse, rape culture, or oppression. Writing these songs and expressing these emotions has helped me heal and feel empowered, and we hope to make others feel the same way.
How would you describe your sound?
Jordan: Energetic and intense hardcore punk with slammy mosh riffs. That pretty much sums us up musically. We wanted to create music that would be fun to see live. We want everyone at our shows to enjoy themselves and have fun. That’s definitely our goal as far as sound goes.
What’s in the future for this band?
Jordan: Currently working on new material. Our goal is to have another release by the end of the year. In the meantime we’re gonna continue playing shows everywhere we can, and we hope to hit the road again soon, perhaps next spring. Something bigger and better this time around.

How did your band come to be?
Lee: We’re 4 punks living in London with a love for 80s UKHC.
Cal: I moved to London last year and wanted to start a new band there as a couple of my other bands were spread across a few cities. Myself and Ola (guitarist) played with the idea of starting a band that sounded like the UK hardcore classics e.g. Ripcord/Heresy/Extreme Noise Terror. When we’d wrote a couple of tunes we recruited Olly to drum who’d previously played in a crust metal band and fit the bill perfectly. We then got Jyoti on bass to complete the line up and finished the rest of the demo, recording it with Jonah Falco in May.
What are your lyrics about?
Cal: A few of the songs are about the cruelty of the meat industry and the abhorrent animal abuse caused everyday. All of us are vegan and its something we feel strongly about. A lot of the other lyrics deal with politics in terms of feeling hopeless as Tories defund our NHS, cut numerous benefits for vulnerable people and trade arms in secrecy. You know all the typical shit that continues to happen everyday.
How would you describe your sound?
Cal: I’d like to think we sound reminiscent of the 80s UK bands. We’ve taken influence from both the hardcore and crust/d beat bands of that era as we’re all massive fans and I hope our music is a mixture of those styles.
What’s in the future for this band?
Cal: Our demo tape is out via Quality Control Records and we’re doing a weekender in the UK at the end of July.

How did your band come to be?
We are Fuse. Just 5 people who love catchy and groovy tunes with a hint of heavy beats. Representing Singapore, the little red dot.
Fuse started out around October 2016. It started with just a random idea from our vocalist to gather girls in a band. Finding girls who love music and would commit to this idea was not an easy thing to accomplish here in this small community. It took awhile for me to get to know more females in the scene. Finding guitarist and bassist was still manageable. However, finding a drummer was a tough one. But lucky for us, we found Ikaa! As most of us do not have experience in or even picked up the particular instrument to play in the band, the start of the band was very rocky. But we are glad we took the time that we need to get to where we are now, also we would want to mention that it wouldn’t be possible without the help and guidance from our other friends.
How would you describe your sound?
We would like to describe our sound as catchy, groovy and slam-my. With a few influences from Freedom, The Rival Mob and Primitive Blast. These are just bands that first come to mind but there’s a few more. However, we still want to create that unique tinge of what Fuse is all about. Through the self-teaching, we were also focused on finding ourselves. We’ve also demo-ed songs that we decided not to use as we don’t feel like it is who we are and who we want to be.
What’s in the future for you?
We’ve got few plans that we are pretty excited about. First, we will be working on our Demo and also have some plans on releasing some merch which also includes tapes. We have some friends overseas who have requested for physical copies of our music and we would love to do that too! Which we are working on!

Date & location formed:
March 2017, Richmond VA.
How did your band come to be?
3/4 of us are relatively new to Richmond and have been making sorta weirdo noise punk/post-punk for a while in other projects. We all knew each other in some way or another and our tastes overlap and we just sorta gave it a shot. We *think* it turned out well!
What are your lyrics about?
Emilie: Well they’re mostly about dying or social anxiety or wanting to shake someone who is making me mad until their head rolls off their neck and into some mud.
How would you describe your sound?
We’re not saying to use this, but people have been calling us gremlin punk, which is silly but accurate. I guess the best way to describe us is weirdo noise punk’
What’s in the future for this band?
Playing a lot of shows in the hot hot Richmond swamp summer, and eventually doing some lil tours and putting out more recordings!