September 2, 2018
New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…

Date & location formed:
Nashville, TN.
How did your band come to be?
Kathryn: Naomi had been playing drums for a bit before finally posting on social media that she wanted to start a band with someone. Josh reached out to her as he was interested in playing with people who weren’t currently/had never been in a band. I was added on bass when Josh and Naomi got wind that I was recently learning how to play. Gabby came in later when we needed a singer to fill out the band.
What are your lyrics about?
K: Disillusionment with the gatekeepers of Nashville rock n roll, and their yes-men.
How would you describe your sound?
K: Honey Bane worship.
List something or someone you think folks need to listen to right now.
K: Depression Breakfast, and Everything is Love by BeyoncÁ© and JAY-Z.
What’s in the future for this band?
K: We have our first cassette coming out on Glad Fact Records in the next month or so. Hope to do a short run of dates by the end of summer/beginning of fall. Local shows because DIY 4evr.

Date & location formed:
2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
How did your band come to be?
All of us play or have played in other bands (Juanita y los Feos, Direct Youth, PeluquerÁa Canina, Bliss, Las Venas, Polio og Julie, and many more), and it seems to be that we can’t live without playing music to express ourselves. So when we met each other we thought, “Why not one more band? Yeah, sure.”
What are your lyrics about?
We only have a few songs, and for not one’s about the people we hate, panic attacks, razors, ridiculous self-imposed rules, shit, and love.
How would you describe your sound?
We are trying to play rock n’roll as loud as possible.
List something or someone you think folks need to listen to right now.
Ramones and ÁœberkrÁ¸ppling.
What’s in the future for this band?
We want to keep being good friends, playing music together, and not thinking too much about the future of anything.

Date & location formed:
Spring of 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland.
How did your band come to be?
We’ve played in a billion bands together over the years and we’ve talked about starting a d-beat band for a long time, especially since there’s never really been just a straight forward d-beat band in Iceland. So we started one and here we are.
What are your lyrics about?
Half-finished paranoid thoughts on how capitalism worms its way into every aspect of our lives through technology. How social media and drone warfare seem born of the same cultural disease. How capitalism is a machine-like intelligence, a hive mind, a demon god, and how there is no escape.
How would you describe your sound?
List something or someone you think folks need to listen to right now.
Just listen to our other bands! BÁ¶mmer, Á“reiÁ°a, BÁ¶rn, DauÁ°yflin, and ROHT.
What’s in the future for this band?
There is no future for anyone.

Date & location formed:
“2017,” in so-called “San-Francisco.”
How did your band come to be?
Fucking dirges of flesh-eating mercantilist pathologies made human bodies into commodities, so suit-wearing afflicted could metaphysically kill by wielding a maritime court veil over masses of said flesh. We came to be at an awakening period following this deep mental lynching. We’re a response to this body hoarding, this fever guilt, this fucked sanctimonious cannibalism.
What are your lyrics about?
Written by imprisoned lyricists, mailed to A.R.M. Anti-Repression Music (publishing) for purpose of raising awareness and funds to improve conditions for imprisoned peoples in the god damned u.s… original letters and lyrics can be read anywhere we are, including our physical zine SACRED LINES FROM HELL, available in shops and gigs.
How would you describe your sound?
Quite pleasing to play. Rock against imprisonment.
List something or someone you think folks need to listen to right now.
What’s in the future for this band?
Building networks for the abolition of police and prisons. Celebrating these networks with benefit shows for the people. Fucking in the streets. Fucking destroy.

Date & location formed:
December 2017. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
How did your band come to be?
We’ve all played in other bands before and most of us currently are in addition to this one. As Control we played together in some places, and as the result of ruptures and disengagements from some of our older bands we decided to form a new one.
What are your lyrics about?
We’ve got a debut album with 7 songs in which we protest from a nihilistic and misanthropic point of view. It’s about how we feel disgusted, disappointed, and angry with the society of today, inside and out. We feel it with regard to marginalization, exclusion, and rejection.
How would you describe your sound?
We’re influenced by anarcho-punk bands like Crisis, Exit-Stance, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, Rudimentary Peni, Eskorbuto, etc… there’s a mix of post-punk and goth, with nods to bands like Warsaw, ParÁ¡lisis Permanente, The Damned, TSOL, etc… and then there’s our ultimate classic reference, The Ramones.
List something or someone you think folks need to listen to right now.
Well… we like a lot of bands, but at this moment, we’re inclined to recommend:
ARGENTINA: Asalto, Germen, Dettonacion (those 3 bands have ex members from Los CaÁdos).
USA & CANADA: Institute, Slimy Member, Glue, Impalers, Antifaces, Blazing Eye, Gag, Bib, Kommand (Ex Hoax), Haram, L.O.T.I.O.N., Exotica, Sadist, S.H.I.T.
SPAIN: Trance (ex members from Fun People and Aspirina Infantil), Orden Mundial, AnarquÁa Vertical.
UK & FRANCE: Arms Race, Rixe.
I can’t remember anymore bands, sorry hahaha.
What’s in the future for this band?
We wanna record something new and play in new places… cities, countries, around the world, wherever.