June 5, 2015
New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…
“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…
Band name:
Date & location formed:
Kamloops, British Columbia

Reason for forming:
Lewis our guitarist wanted to play in a fast style Hardcore Punk band in the vein of Bum Kon, Deep Wound, etc because our other band Tremor was at a downfall. So he started Goms with Lucas (drummer) and Athena (bass) and we now have had 3 other bassists since then and I (Harrison) joined on Vocals in August 2014.
What are your lyrics about?
My psychotic disorder, pessimism of the world, people who stand outside and look fashionable and smoke cigarettes during bands sets, mindless idiots who follow the pack, gossip, cops, you know, what most punk bands sing about.
How would you describe your sound?
I would say it sounds like early 80’s Boston Hardcore Punk mixed with late 80’s NYHC.
What’s in the future for this band?
A West Coast tour, another tape, maybe we’ll finally get our shit together and do something on vinyl. Who knows?
Links and contact info:
Band name:
MONTE (Spanish for : Mountain)

Date & location formed:
In the fall of 2014 in East San Jose, California. The Hood.
Reason for forming:
Juan and I (Manuel) were in a fastcore/grind band called Masacre (ma-saw-kreh) in the early 2000’s in East San Jose, which broke up around 2010. Juan and his brother Erik were in a grind band called T.a.d.r.o.a.t.e.v. , which went on a semi-permanent hiatus in 2013.
I grew up with these guys playing and going to shows in the bay area for a long time, after seeing them at a show they approached me about joining this new band they were forming called Monte based on their surname Montiel. I liked the power of the name because it seemed spiritual and considering that I Identify as an Indigenous person something about Monte called to me, the mountain being this ancient consciousness which holds power and wisdom.
What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics are mostly in Spanish which is my first language. I like to address real issues that are affecting my community, while my band mates are not sober or drug free I am and it’s very important to me to be aware and involved in positive change. The songs range from songs about confronting police brutality both in Mexico and the U.S. to songs about spirituality and positive change. Being a Grindcore inspired band we also have our share of violent subjects such as Diana La Cazadora which talks about a real modern day heroine who went around in Juarez killing bus drivers in revenge for the rape and murder of Juarez women. I am a Chicanâ’¶ Indigenous Anarchist person and I hope the lyrics reflect that, un saludo para lâ’¶s ponks Anarquistas, sigan luchando!
How would you describe your sound?
We are all the type of people that like to play music that doesn’t sound like anything else out there, I would describe it as a mix of Political/Noise/Grind/D-Beat/Core from the East Side of San Jose. A fucking warzone.
What’s in the future for this band?
Hopefully a some touring (South west and Oregon), some vinyl, split tapes, shirts and benefit shows for good causes. An MRR show featuring other brutal, fast and loud “political” bands. ;)
Links and contact info:

Band name:
Pressing On

Date & location formed:
Although the final musical form of the band crystallized in late 2013, the seeds for the band were sown through the members playing together in various other bands and meeting through the DIY hardcore scene dating back to the early 90’s.
Reason for forming:
What are your lyrics about?
Struggle and strife, trying to maintain ideals formed in youth in a vastly different world with adult responsibilities. True til death can apply to more than just straightedge.
How would you describe your sound?
Hardcore. We didn’t set out to try and sound like any particular style, we just play what we know. These old dogs don’t need to learn any new tricks, we do the old ones pretty well.
What’s in the future for this band?
Cassette demo is out, first run is gone, more on the way, vinyl version of the demo will be out in US and Europe later on this year, and studio time is booked for July to record material for a couple of 7″s.
Links and contact info:

Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…
1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:
Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to: mrrnewblood@gmail.com
*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.