New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…
MRR magazine’s popular “New Blood” section is now a regular feature here on! See below for info on how to submit. Now, get to discovering some killer new shit…
Band name:
Date & location formed:
We became a band in December of 2012 in Frederick, MD.
Reason for forming:
Evan and Matt had been in bands together since they were 14 years old and were in between projects at the time. After receiving a book on Riot Grrrl, Patti began learning bass and started jamming with Evan and Matt. Within a month, the band gained momentum and started playing house shows in our hometown.
What are your lyrics about?
All three of us contribute lyrics to the band. We usually write about anything from the trials and errors of growing up, finding happiness, and maintaining relationships to guinea pigs and beer.
How would you describe your sound?
We play jangly alt rock with a crunch. Our songs are largely influenced by the music we grew up on. We incorporate elements of punk rock and ’80s and ’90s alternative rock mixed with modern up-and-comers. We filter out all the bullshit and leave you with pure goodness, like a Brita filter.
What is the future for this band?
We plan to continue releasing music, and want to tour more and meet cool people. Hopefully Matt won’t have to make pizza 5 days a week.
Date & location formed:
Grump formed in February 2013 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Cody and Ian had been jamming a bit before then, but I’m pretty sure it was February when Luke and I joined.
Reason for forming:
Boredom, I guess. I don’t know, same reasons anyone starts a hardcore band—not really anything better do to.
What are your lyrics about?
My lyrics are mostly just free association of whatever I’m thinking or reading about at that time. I collect lines in a notebook and try and jam them together based on a related theme. The usual tropes—alienation, thought control, etc.
How would you describe your sound?
Chorus pedal punk weirdocore.
What is the future for this band?
We’ve got a short tour of Eastern Canada planned. After that who knows. Maybe a record or something, more touring. No concrete plans yet.
Date & location formed:
We formed in Tallahassee, FL and played our first show in August ’11 at the Farside Collective, which was a DIY spot some of us in town helped to open and run for a while (RIP).
Reason for forming:
We started playing together after other bands some of us had played in broke up for one reason or another. We’re all at different stages in our lives, but being in a band with your friends is a good constructive release for lots of pent up shit that we all deal with, the rigors of life, nothing unique.
What are your lyrics about?
Our songs are about crooked politicians and leaders, life punching your ass in the gut, nothing making sense ever, motherfuckers who like to hear themselves talk and talk and talk, scenelords, drunk punks, the end of the world dance party, our creeping technological doom, bad business arrangements, spinning your wheels, killing yourself, the importance of saving yourself, and letting go of everything. Most of them rhyme.
Webcam Teens (photo by Kate Decosmo)
How would you describe your sound?
Fast and straight ahead. But we’re on some now you see us, now you don’t shit. Tesco Vee fronting a sped-up Feel the Darkness era Poison Idea.
What is the future for this band?
Hopefully pressing wax and writing new shit. Contact: Our first demo/EP tape was released on Spirit Cat tapes. Our songs are free at
Do you have or know of an awesome new band? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature. Just send us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…
1) Band name: 2) Date & location formed: 3) Reason for forming: 4) What are your lyrics about? 5) How would you describe your sound? 6) What is the future for this band?
Along with the answers, please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), a logo if you have one, and links and contact info for the band to: