New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…
“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…
Band name:
Date & location formed:
December 2015, Buffalo NY.
Reason for forming:
Nicky mentioned the idea to John one night when we were very drunk, and bad ideas grow out of drunkenness like mushrooms out of shit. Biffy (whom you may know from Al Quint’s column as “The Ubiquitous Biff Bifaro”) is never one to turn down a bad idea, so he was obviously on board. Plus, he had already been in every other band ever, so he was totally out of options. Steve, our sax-man, may have thought we said “funk” not “punk.” And we rounded out the lineup by telling Mike D that this was actually a cooking position at very high end restaurant. It all worked out fine though.
What are your lyrics about?
We sing about shades of colors, directions, lipstick, purses, spiders, sleeping, real estate, Oreos, doing drugs, getting around, other people’s prayers, and new age funny stuff. You know, the usual.
How would you describe your sound?
It’s dummy punk for bizzaro idiots. It’s total ham-handed Geza X worship made by a bunch of mutant long hairs. You like Dangerhouse? You might like this nonsense.
What’s in the future for this band?
We came from the future, so chances are we’ll return to 2016 at some point down the line.
Date & location formed:
March 2015, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Reason for forming:
We hated our lives. The lead singer had a chronic masturbation problem so we put a bass guitar in his grubby hands.
What are your lyrics about?
City psychos, scum bags, outstretched minds, perverts, teenage chemists, mufflers with holes,
boards with nails in them and gatorade.
How would you describe your sound?
Rock n roll flash with a bad rash.
What’s in the future for this band?
Spreading like the plague (more jam than peanut butter).
Ultra Gash (photo by A Willett (click to view their website)
Links and contact info:
Band name:
Date & location formed:
Early 2015, Singapore.
Reason for forming:
Ariff(vocalist/guitarist) was the one who rounded everyone up. We all had an interest in trying something a little different musically.. so it worked out quite well.
What are your lyrics about?
Reflections on the past and present, suggestions (based on patterns) about the future.
How would you describe your sound?
Groove punk.
What’s in the future for this band?
We just released a small round of demo CDs. Working on new material before we see where that takes us.
Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…
1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:
Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:
*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.