March 9, 2018
New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…

Date & location formed:
We formed in 2017 and our first show was last August.
How did your band come to be?
We were all friends before the band, and played at the same shows with our other bands in Tijuana. One day we were all drinking at Nelson´s bar and filled with disgust over hypocrisy going on within the punk scene; we schedule a rehearsal with no idea in mind, just that we’d play fast and hard.
What are your lyrics about?
Mostly they’re a critique of hypocrisy and manifestations of authority disguised as leftist ideologies… drug abuse, punk being stupid and predictable, hate, and death.
How would you describe your sound?
I guess hardcore/punk or fastcore. We all have different influences but we converge toward this sound, and we like that 80’s crossover sound. We like a lot the Infest records, some of us are into sludge metal, etc. We wanted to make a sound that was fast and heavy but still kept that hardcore vibe.
List something or someone you think folks need to listen to right now.
We really liked playing with HEAT and Therapy from San Diego, Cave State from LA, CLAN TREVI ANDRADE and Malastare from Guadalajara, Annapura from Mexico city… and many more.
What’s in the future for this band?
Word is that we will be printing some cassettes with Speed Creamer Cassettes from San Diego and some vinyls in Canada for our new record. Our main goal is to tour the west coast and then come down to Mexico City and play some shows.

Date & location formed:
Mid 2017 Leipzig / Germany.
How did your band come to be?
All songs were written while watching every last one of the 591 Lassie TV show episodes muted,fast-forwarded, and listening to Jesse’s Girl by Rick Springfield on repeat.
What are your lyrics about?
People making a living off of Instagram.
Segway Cops.
Love. -
How would you describe your sound?
Teun plays the drums.
Katti plays the synth.
Fritz plays the bass.
Shredding Schreier plays guitar and sings.
M plays guitar and sings. -
Haha, ok. What are a few bands that you think folks need to listen to right now?
The Chuckleheads – I’m a Chucklehead (we do a cover of that).
B52’s – Legal Tender (we try to cover that).
BETA BOYS – Brick Walls 2018
JAQUES DUTR0NC – Sur Une Nappe de Restaurant
Tropical Trash
Muscle Barbie
BBF Radio -
What’s in the future for this band?
Split 7” with DELTOIDS.

Date & location formed:
January 2017 in Pearland, TX.
How did your band come to be?
This band was formed to create a band out of people who generally didn’t listen to hardcore punk. Influences include: Slipknot, Turnstile, Lil Peep, and random black metal.
What are your lyrics about?
Wanting to die, jumpin off big shit, stomping on phallic objects.
How would you describe your sound?
Dark hardcore from the suburbs.
What’s in the future for this band?
Touring as much as possible, releasing as many records as possible, just becoming a black metal band with mosh parts

Date & location formed:
Late July, Singapore.
How did your band come to be?
All of us in the band play in different bands with different sounds of hardcore so we figured we tried something new.
What are your lyrics about?
The post apocalyptic future and the dystopian state of our country.
How would you describe your sound?
Disgusting, ugly and violent.
What’s in the future for this band?
Our friends from Pissed! Off Records (Malaysia) and 4490 Records (Singapore) are gonna put out tapes for our demo. Other than that, we’ll just be playing more shows in the SEA region and maybe a tour come next year.