January 26, 2018
Therapy, Macabre, Loud Night, Cheetah Print, Devil’s Den, and World Peace
New Blood is our regular web feature spotlighting new bands from around the world!
Now check out some killer new shit…

Date & location formed:
San Diego, CA June 2017.
How did your band come to be?
We wanted to start a band that allowed us to play loud, heavy, fast music in the most accessible way possible. Chris moved from Toronto to San Diego and Matt, Sean and Blaine were moving on from another project and we all wanted to do something together other than biking.
What are your lyrics about?
Inequality, isolation, resilience, community, keep on keeping on.
How would you describe your sound?
Aggressive punk/hardcore.
We’re trying to sound fresh and familiar at the same time. -
What’s in the future for this band?
Take part in some exciting stuff that’s happening in San Diego/Tijuana. We’ll have our demo tape out soon followed by some touring!

Date & location formed:
We started jamming early Jan. 2017 in Santa Ana, CA.
Reason for forming:
We’re always hanging out with each other, and we all played different instruments… so we figured ”fuck it, why not start jamming?”
What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics vary, but the theme of being possessed, and being trapped in nightmares seems to keep coming up. So, you know… spooky shit.
How would you describe your sound?
That’s really hard to put into words, but if I had to, I’d say: shit you could pogo to whilst burning in hell.
What’s in the future for this band?
Play more shows, probably do a west cost mini tour, put out another tape (hopefully).
Loud Night

Date & location formed:
Reason for forming:
What are your lyrics about?
How would you describe your sound?
What’s in the future for this band?
Cheetah Print

Date & location formed:
Seattle. June 2017.
Reason for forming:
Ken was relearning how to play guitar and wanted to start a rotating lineup to get people who weren’t in bands to learn instruments and play in bands. After a while he asked his spiritual advisor, Laura, to play bass and Jack to drum because they were in GUN AND THE ASBESTOS MEN together (RIP). Jules crawled through an exhaust cloud to sing.
What are your lyrics about?
Jules: Committing crime, masturbating, deep dark secrets.
How would you describe your sound?
A poodle in baby pink heels smokes a cigarette as you hold a still-running car engine in your arms; hot grease drips down your biceps.
What’s in the future for this band?
Absolute spiritual growth, recording another tape, touring in the spring, some of us reaching legal drinking age, some of us reaching middle age.
Devil’s Den

Date & location formed:
Late summer of 2017 in storage unit in Kansas City, Missouri.
How did your band come to be?
We were all playing in another band at the time, which was coming to an end, and we all wanted to continue to play music with one another.
What are your lyrics about?
The general thrust or ”theme” in the lyrics come from a walk through of pure exasperation with myself, the social political climate, and the status quo blindly followed in all shapes and forms. As many people do, I internalize nearly everything so this band is nothing more than a declaration of outrage.
How would you describe your sound?
Mean, fast, hard, pissed off. We take influence from bands like SSD, Youth Of Today, Agnostic Front, DYS, Confront, etc. We all also like a lot more than punk and hardcore so outside influence always bleeds into our overall sound as well.
What’s in the future for this band?
We will doing a short Midwest run this February with our sister band, Contrast. We’re already writing for a new 7″/EP. Our overall plan is to write music we want to hear, tour and play where ever we want to play. See you in 2018.
World Peace

Date & location formed:
Summer 2017 in San Francisco.
Reason for forming:
What are your lyrics about?
Universal enlightenment and human extinction.
How would you describe your sound?
What’s in the future for this band?
Recording EP II in March, west coast tour in April, LP in June.