
Emma Miller

Bed Maker Bed Maker LP

Without any prior knowledge of the band, my original reaction was “wow, this sounds a lot like the way Ian MacKaye sings,” just for me to find out that his sister Amanda MacKaye is the lead. Her vocals though have a touch of the droning of Siouxsie Sioux, mixed with the spoken yowling of Ian MacKaye. The majority of the songs are slow-to-mid-tempo with a kind of post-punk and artsy punk vibe. A couple of the songs sort of blended together to me, as they were sonically pretty similar and didn’t have a ton of variation. However, “Pan-Pan” had a nice tempo change and I think it’s a great song to end the album with.

Neuf Volts Ignorance cassette

A HC/classic punk band from France. The cover of the cassette originally drew me in with its classic punk vibe; it has drawings in the style of American Traditional tattoos, including the mythical creature, the Griffin. The fun doesn’t stop there, though. Using a combination of both French and English, NEUF VOLTS brings a high-energy sound (yet with no screaming, only loud vocals) that makes you feel like you are seeing them live at a show. The contrast of the higher-pitched yelling creates a delicious contrast to the fuzzy and distorted guitar. If you like any style of punk or hardcore, I would check these guys out.

The Side Eyes What’s Your Problem? LP

The SIDE EYES range from punk to hardcore to a touch of hard rock, all throughout one album. With a range of lyrics of the classic punk “get out of my face” style, to more thought-out lyrics as a comment on society, they give a classic hardcore, head-bopping vibe. Their LP is loaded with a shit-ton of super short, super powerful songs. Specifically, the tracks “False World” and “What’s Your Problem?” go so hard, so fast. Without giving you much time to think, they dive into their next track with a new kick to the face.

Pyrex Bozo EP

To define this EP in two words, I would say magnificent chaos. Heavy, distorted vocals/screaming overlay the tight fastcore instruments, while maintaining a bit of a spooky vibe. Specifically, the track “Viper” seems like the type of song that would be playing during a chase scene in a horror movie. I feel like this EP would be great to play if you need motivation to do something and want music to get you excited enough to do it. Overall, I would say that much like their band name, PYREX’s music is sturdy and timeless.

Hall Last Days of Youth LP

Gothic, dark garage rock by a three-piece from Berlin. Hall sounds as if BAUHAUS and the ORWELLS had a baby; they utilize a variety of tempos, mostly midrange, in combination with haunting vocals. The instrumentals didn’t “wow” me, as they mostly seemed to be in support of the vocals rather than standing on their own, and some of the songs seemed a bit repetitive in terms of melody. However, the songs overall are all very catchy and slightly off-putting, in a great way. The standout track on this album to me is “Last Days of Youth,” as it has a stronger presence than some of the other songs and delves into a slightly heavier vibe.

Snitfit Snitfit demo cassette

Nothing screams punk more than a group of teenagers making hardcore music, and SNITFIT, a group from Newfoundland, is a testament to the importance of it. With classic punk and garage-y instrumentals combined with riot grrrl lyricism, they bring a fresh style of punk feminism reimagined. Reminiscent of the yowling screams of Amy Taylor of AMYL AND THE SNIFFERS, combined with a deep passion bloomed from youth, SNITFIT has an enticing edge. Songs like “Bitch” and “Grope” show how SNITFIT uses blunt lyricism to strike through to the listener, as it feels like their instruments are somehow going to burst through the speakers and, quite literally, hit you in the face.