
Jake Joyce

Razorface Razorface cassette

Wow, this is DIY rock’n’roll chaos at its absolute finest! Classic ’80s hardcore fused with the fiercest of D-beat, complete with farty bass and all. Lots of fun breakdowns which I’m sure contribute to some wild moments in the pit. I am absolutely smitten with the vocals here. Pure anger and intensity, sounding unlike anything else at the moment. This looks to be their first release, and if that’s the case, I expect these folks to have a huge year. There’s video of their full set up on YouTube that’s worth seeking out. Otherwise, this is one hell of a tape, and needs to be spun until the reels fall off.

Ghoulies Shafted by the Algorithm LP

How do these Aussies keep doing it? More fantastic DEVO-esque rock’n’roll madness from our friends Down Under; synth-laden egg-punk akin to ALIEN NOSEJOB, SNOOPER, and labelmates PRISON AFFAIR. What sets these folks apart from the others are the vocals. The guitarist, bassist, and drummer all share singing duties, and this helps foster a much more diverse-sounding record. Speaking of drums, whoever is behind the kit is a speed demon. Fast and tight as hell! I mistook it for a drum machine at first, but quickly perished the thought when I heard the nuances of the hi-hat hits. Ah, those precious nuances. Great stuff here.

Moira Sign EP

Fantastic emo-metalcore out of Poland. Very reminiscent of where the punk scene was at in the late ’90s/early ’00s. It’s like a combination of HOT WATER MUSIC, CAVE IN, early RISE AGAINST, and even earlier KILLSWITCH ENGAGE. These kids from Eastern Europe really nailed that East Coast-meets-Gainesville sound. As always with these types of groups, the vocalist is front and center with a range that spans from brutal throat-screaming to melancholy, melodic wailing that would make Guy Picciotto proud. If my research is correct, this EP originally came out in 2018 but was re-released again last year by Refuse Records as a 7”. Doesn’t seem like it’s gotten a lot of attention stateside, so let’s change its fate. Go pick this up right now.

Scary Hours Can’t Contend cassette

Brutal crowd-killer metalcore that brings to mind all the classics that helped mold the genre such as DEADGUY, DAMNATION A.D., and the KILLER. There’s also an atmospheric black metal meets slam-core edge that I think really helps this stand out among their contemporaries. The drums on this record are mind-melting—completely out of the pocket while remaining extremely tight. I had to check to make sure this wasn’t a drum machine. I’m actually still not sure. No one lists their personnel on their Bandcamp pages anymore. Is it cringe to do so in 2025? Finally here, I’ve gotta give props to the vocalist who utilizes a hardy, pure shouting style as opposed to the grunting and growls you typically hear in this genre. Gives it more of a raw and natural feel. If you’re nostalgic for early ’00s hardcore, then you’ll love this.

Vostok Import Three Letters CD

DIY punk out of Germany with a lighthearted edge—at least it feels that way to me. Most of these songs are in Russian or German, so I have no idea what they’re singing about. Judging by the energy and song titles, I’m gonna have to go with my gut and assume there’s a lot of tongue-in-cheek wackiness going on here. Impressive production, and everything comes off super tight. Nothing really groundbreaking here, though. Reminiscent of the late ’90s Fat Wreck sound with more pinch-harmonics. Not an album I’d find myself spinning often, but the kind of band I’d love to see live every time they came around.

Running Man Running Man CD

Absolutely fantastic garage rock/power pop from my Illinois brethren in Rock Island. Featuring former WYONNA RIDERS and current DEAD KENNEDYS singer Skip Greer, this album is chock-full of rock’n’roll diversity. Spans such flavors as dancey horror punk, twangy hardcore, and flowery indie ballads. This slab was obviously carefully crafted and produced. Everything sounds crisp and clear. Greer’s vocal range is beyond impressive, hopping between moody DANZIG-esque melodies and rustic BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN howls. Really great stuff here, and well worth a spin.

Enough Before My Eyes LP

This is gonna be a big one for folks who love those early albums from the DESCENDENTS or Rollins-era BLACK FLAG. The vocals are absolutely drenched in reverb, and while I know I’ve already said it, this guy sounds exactly like a Milo Aukerman/Rollins amalgamation mixed with a little bit of Mike Patton. The lyrics are politically conscious but come off a little corny sometimes, especially in their track “Army of the Vain”—a song about self-centered and phony social media influencers. We’re just beating three dead horses at this point. However, on the flipside, the song “Sunday Mass Graves” is absolutely fantastic and highlights the atrocities committed by state-sanctioned boarding schools against the Indigenous people of Canada. It actually changed my mind about this whole record. From there, this slab takes off and it’s one hell of a ride all the way through. I’ll say it again: if you’re a fan of those chunky, power-chord-riffing albums from the early years of SST, then you’ll love this one.

Leave It Behind The Time Flies EP

I originally didn’t like this EP. It pairs mid-’90s pop punk with a vocalist better suited for caveman hardcore. It was jarring during my first listen through, but now that I’ve spun this dang ol’ thing a few more times, I’ve become partial to it. A modern update to what I consider the “your favorite local band” sound. Sloppy at times, but still very catchy. The guitarist feels like they’re on another level, holding each track together with a couple of blistering solos here and there. Drums are recorded in full stereo and sound great. Fun stuff for old dudes like me who still like to spin DUTCH OVEN albums from nearly 30 years ago.

Ancient Rage Ancient Räge LP

Punk-adjacent heavy metal that barely even qualifies as the former. This is a straight-up NWOBHM tribute with a vocalist who sounds more like Damian Abraham than Rob Halford, giving it an ANTI-SEEN feel. There are quite a few riffs that sound identical to those heard from JUDAS PRIEST or SODOM, almost to the point where I wonder if they are indeed the same licks. Regardless, this is some really catchy shit here. Even if the guitarist is aping all the old fogies, they’re playing the living hell out of their instrument. The aforementioned vocalist has the energy of a pissed-off troll, and if it weren’t for them, I don’t think this album would fare as well. I’d recommend this for all the fellow closeted metalheads out there in punk world.

The Downstrokes / The Prozacs Better Late Than Never split LP

More pop punk from two bands who heard the QUEERS three decades ago and thought “This is how I’ll write music for the rest of my life.” I guess that’s the entire theme of this split. Arrested development and refusing to grow old and change your attitude. But Jesus Murphy, how many more times are we going to have to hear this tired, old trope? There is nothing that differentiates these two bands from the mounds of other bubblegum punk bands out there. This review ended up being more negative than I wanted it to be, so I’ll leave you with this thought: I know that RAMONES-core in general has a very dedicated fan base, so if you’re into all of that shit, then you will absolutely love this split.

V/A Against All Odds: Ten Years Horst Klub 2xLP

Absolutely massive compilation celebrating the decade anniversary of Horst Klub in Switzerland. I couldn’t dig up a whole lot of information (and the info I did find was in German), but according to Google Translate, this record highlights some of the venue’s favorite hosted bands from the last ten years. There’s a whole combo-platter of rock’n’roll madness here. Egg-punk, fuzzed-out sludge, goth dance rock, RAMONES-core, D-beat crust, dungeon synth, and even a little bit of European techno! This album is the perfect soundtrack for someone like me who loves it all. Horst Klub has led me to believe that it may be one of the best venues in Europe, if not the world. This is on par with one of those Alternative Tentacles comps like Not So Quiet on the Western Front. Fantastic work to everyone involved!

Death Kill Overdrive Juicin’ LP

Sugary-sweet pop punk featuring members of LIPSTICK HOMICIDE. I would have never guessed that based on the name alone. Sounds pretty much how you’d expect if you’re familiar with LIPSTICK HOMICIDE and the Iowa punk scene they come from, which includes bands like RATIONAL ANTHEM. It’s like DIGGER for a modern age, while being reminiscent of all those pop punk bands that broke through into the mainstream in the late ’90s like the ATARIS and FENIX TX. This band would be right at home on the Dude, Where’s My Car? soundtrack. Catchy as all hell with some fantastic vocals and harmonies.

V/A Speed! Lighting 500 LP

Car-themed compilation that I was certain came straight from the ’90s. The label described this slab as ten bands who “sound nothing alike,” and that got a chuckle out of me. I don’t know about that. They all have the surfy rockabilly meets Steve Albini and David Pajo energy that all of the underground Gen X-ers loved 30 years ago. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun listen. I’m not even a car guy, and I am very partial to this theme. It’s pure, classic Americana. You know, before Americana became synonymous with AI-generated Facebook posts, cryptocurrency, and white nationalism. All of the stuff mainstream Gen X-ers love now. Damn, Speed. You got me feeling all nostalgic. You win this race.

Blistering Dissonance Blistering Dissonance CD

Skate punk out of Asheville that brings to mind the early years of Fat Wreck, sounding a lot like GOOD RIDDANCE and PENNYWISE. Production is sharp, but there are a lot of sloppy moments where it sounds like the guitar is trying to catch up with the drums and vice versa. Nothing really wrong with that, though. It adds to the punk experience. The vocalist is easily the strongest element of this band, charismatic and loud with a whole heap of range. There’s a decent amount of bitingly clever political content here, as well as a couple charming tongue-in-cheek tracks that popped me quite a bit, specifically the potential IGGY POP homage titled “I Wanna Be a Cat.” The closing track “Killing Machine” has an industrial feel to it and is easily the best song on the album. I’d love to hear more of that style from them. All in all, a fun album, but not one I’d see myself returning to often. The kind of band I’d love to see live whenever they rolled through town, though.

Golf War / Tides split EP

Great split EP from a couple bands out of the Tampa area. TIDES kick things off with a sound that brings to mind No Idea Records. Go figure! Very heavy LATTERMAN/HOT WATER MUSIC energy. Reminds me of latter-era SPITALFIELD as well. On the opposite side, we have GOLF WAR and their batch of golf-themed hardcore songs, opening with a two-second track that would make the DESCENDENTS blush. I wonder what the ERADICATOR would have to say about all of this? Staunchly different from the A-side, and I’m all “fore” it. I love when splits have two completely different types of artists. Well worth a spin.

Malicious Algorithm Progress cassette

Pretty standard grindcore/powerviolence affair here. Sludgy and crusty at times. In what always seems to be the case with these grind albums, it’s the drums that captivate me the most. Super-tight and fast as hell. The dueling vocals also add to the dynamic and help to keep things interesting with their call-and-response technique. If you can’t tell from the band name and album cover, MALICIOUS ALGORITHM’s entire shtick revolves around technology and its direct aiding of the impending apocalypse. If you’re someone like me who grows more anti-tech with each passing year, then you’ll appreciate this, too. The robots are coming for us, folks.

Strengsbrew A Little Trust / Cherry Red 7″

Glam/power pop rock that sounds like it came straight out of the early ’70s. More akin to the MAMAS AND THE PAPAS and the poppier side of BLUE ÖYSTER CULT than anything closely resembling punk. At times there’s a surfy element to it all, as well as the occasional fat guitar riff, but this is just the same old sound that’s been done hundreds of thousands of times since your parents were kids. Don’t get me wrong, the band is obviously very talented and the production is spot-on. I think this may pique the interest of those who are fans of bands like the NICE BOYS, but I don’t expect it to quench that sort of thirst, either.

The Anchorite Four Vol. 1 LP

I like to go into a new album blind so I can manage any of the biases I have that will affect how I digest an unfamiliar band. Just to catch you all up to speed, this record here is actually a re-release of songs from the ANCHORITE FOUR’s debut CD from 2002. Now, if I had done my research prior to this, I would have known that Vol. 1 was just a product of its time. However, my immediate reaction to this slab was “Wow, the kids these days have really nailed that early ’00s emo/pop punk sound!” And honestly, that scenario would be much more impressive to me. Don’t get me wrong, this is a fun album. It brings to mind a lot of the Chicago pop punk bands I grew up around, like 504 PLAN and KNOCKOUT. But if I were to have heard this twenty years ago, it would have just sounded like everything else then. Regardless, if you’re nostalgic for this time period like I am, then you’ll love this. It’s not bad by any means, and the production is so polished that I still can’t believe this was recorded over two decades ago. I just don’t know if this will speak to the majority of MRR readers.

The Grimly Pleased Give Some Kicks 10”

Fun and silly cowpunk with a slight psychobilly edge. I mean this in the best way possible, but this sounds like it fell straight out of a time capsule from the early ’90s. Reminds me a lot of THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS, with the musical chops of TOY DOLLS and DEAD KENNEDYS. Seems to me like they use a lot of inside jokes in their lyrics, which I know can be a turnoff for those who value more substance in their poetry, but I’ve always enjoyed peeking through the window of someone’s world. Even when the jokes are a tad more cryptic, they’re written well enough to be relatable. Take their track “Thank You, Ben Morgan”—an ode to someone who I assume was once their recording engineer. “Thank you, Ben Morgan / Thank you for being so cool /Thank you, Ben Morgan / You didn’t even use Pro-Tools.” I don’t care who you are, that’s some charming wordsmithing right there.

Success Second Edition cassette

Hardcore with a twangy guitar. This is tough-guy egg-punk right here. SUCCESS has successfully (no pun intended) extended the olive branch across the aisle to our chain punk adversaries. And people say bipartisanship is dead! Very quality stuff here. Fast as hell, super-short songs, and a vocalist with the energy of a rabid bulldog. Checks all my boxes, that’s for certain! Brings to mind a combination of ALIEN NOSEJOB, CHRIMPSHRINE, and early FUCKED UP. Lovely work here, and well worth a play.

Idaho Green Gems of the High Plains 2xLP

Holy shit, this is a massive album. It’s not often you come across a self-financed double LP, but IDAHO GREEN certainly wanted to make sure you knew absolutely everything about them. This slab spans twelve years and several different recording sessions, and it definitely shows—not necessarily in a bad way. It just showcases the band’s evolution and growth over the years, and it results in a record that is absolutely all over the place. It bounces between melodic garage rock with soaring guitars—akin to EXPLODING HEARTS, MARKED MEN, and RICHARD HELL—to snarling, groovy, fuzzed-out pop-rock like DINOSAUR JR. meets FIDLAR. I am especially impressed with the singer’s range, swapping between that of a melancholy Joey Ramone, and a primal, bloody scream more often associated with hardcore than flowery Brooklyn indie rock. Interlaced between every third track or so are these pretty acoustic guitar riffs that separate the chaos from itself. This really isn’t a record, it’s an audio journey. I’m pretty smitten with it. Give this bad boy a spin if you’ve got the time.

V/A Action Rock Jukebox 45 Series, Vol. 1 CD

Fun little comp with a neat theme. Each band submits two songs: one original, and one cover song from a band commonly found in jukeboxes from the ’70s and ’80s, with pop punk renditions of groups like GOLDEN EARRING, KISS, and my personal favorite, the J. GEILS BAND. The originals are decent enough; it’s just your typical, modern day pop punk teetering on the indie side of things. If I’m being honest, the meat of the record comes solely from the tributes. If you loved that Punk Goes… compilation series from the mid-to-late ’00s, then you’ll adore this. It’s a throwback to a throwback.

The Black Nasty 30th Anniversary 2xLP

Double-disc vinyl re-release of THE BLACK NASTY’S 1994 debut (and only) CD. The first record in this collection is the aforementioned CD itself, but the second slab is a live recording ripped straight from a VHS, remastered for our modern listening pleasure. It actually sounds great. I love shit like that. I also love the little BLACK NASTY history packet that comes included with this set. Well, the first quarter of it at least. The remaining 75% of said insert is a transcript from a Zoom interview they had with Stop All Wars fanzine, which reads more like a stenographer’s report from traffic court. Regardless, there’s a decent amount of information here for anyone new to the band, such as myself. They even included an old MRR review of this same album from 30 years ago, likening the band to a modern STOOGES. I’m inclined to agree, although they are a tad more poppy than Iggy and crew. You can especially hear the STOOGES influence in their live recordings. Important to remember that this was the burgeoning era of the DIY pop punk sound, so there were fewer comparison points at the time. If I were to compare them to someone from the last 30 years, I’d say they’d fit in better with the NOFX/BAD RELIGION/PENNYWISE crowd. This is your classic Gen X punk featuring songs about fast cars, cheap beer, and dirt weed. Fun stuff here; lots of bang for your buck.

Detroit 442 / Superdevil split LP

Solid split here from these Eastern Michiganders. DETROIT 442 sounds like an Americanized version of the DAMNED if they adopted the vocal styling of LEFTOVER CRACK and the HOLD STEADY. Yeah, I know. That’s a wild combo, but the singer has a lot of range and bounces between brutal screaming, melodic mumbling, and Fred Schneider-esque sprechgesang. Great guitar leads laden throughout glue everything else together. Old school, dystopian punk’n’roll. “I’m Not Crazy I’m On Drugs” may as well be our national anthem at this point. On the flipside, the vocalist from SUPERDEVIL has an impressively deep growl of a voice. It’s like if Tony the Tiger decided he wanted to take up a pack-a-day habit, and start singing in a band that took all of the best qualities from DEAD KENNEDYS and ANTISEEN and molded them into one big rock’n’roll monster. There’s a pretty great STIFF LITTLE FINGERS cover here as well. Both bands sound different enough that this makes for a pretty satisfying split LP.

Goatzilla Alien Nation LP

Judging by the band name and album art I totally expected this to be doom metal, and while there’s hints of that peppered throughout, this is a pure rock’n’roll record. In fact, this gives off darkened glam vibes. GOATZILLA sounds like a modern day TWISTED SISTER with a singer that cops a sinister Dee Snider-meets-Lemmy energy. Really fantastic production here as well, everything is loud and heavy but discernible and crisp. With huge guitars and soaring solos, this teeters way more on the metal side of things than punk. So if that ain’t what you’re into, this might not be your bag, but for those of us who long for a dystopian Sunset Strip, this is well worth a listen.

Man-Eaters Quatro Muchachos LP

I’ll be honest, loyal MRR readers: Quatro Muchachos by MAN-EATERS is one of those albums that doesn’t really bring anything new to the table. It’s fairly cut-and-dry rock’n’roll, and it’d be a stretch to call it innovative. However, none of that matters, because this is a really kick-ass record and it packs one hell of a punch. High-energy garage rock which brings to mind the RIFFS mashed with the NEW YORK DOLLS and the most psychedelic offerings from KING GIZZARD. The guitars do most of the heavy lifting—wavering between groovy riffs and classic, scorching solos—but the vocalist has the energy of an anthropomorphic lighting bolt. Also, the album title has to be a ZZ TOP reference, right? If so, that’s ten extra bonus points. Lovely stuff here.

Bad Year Bad Year LP

This band advertises themselves as a ’90s throwback, and wouldn’t you know it, they’re certainly not fooling! Melodic, harmonious punk that brings to mind LAGWAGON, SAMIAM, and a hornless LESS THAN JAKE. BAD YEAR sounds like they’d be right at home on one of those early Fat Wreck comps that everyone still gushes over. Really catchy stuff, though. Tight, and produced extremely well. I need to specifically give props to the drummer here, as their dynamics really bring the energy of this record to a whole other level. I won’t lie, I’m usually not a fan of these modern bands who do the retro pop punk sound, but BAD YEAR really pulls it off. This is well worth a couple spins if you’re into this type of thing.

Middle / Slamming Avoid Nuts split CD

Okay, so first off—SLAMMING AVOID NUTS is probably my new favorite band name of all time. Secondly, this is a really great split album with a whole ton of musical diversity, and not even just between the bands. MIDDLE flops between sounding like an early ’90s dissonant Dischord act and sloppy, power-chord-heavy street punk. The aforementioned SLAMMING AVOID NUTS play Oi!-infused D-beat with throaty, guttural vocals. High-energy all around; a solid disc if I may say so myself. I think this might only be available in Japan, but it’s worth ponying up the cash for the shipping.

Abusements Grievance Beerwater Reprisal LP

There’s a surprising amount of depth to this record. Grievance Beerwater Reprisal kicks off with a string of songs that can be best described as bar punk. You know what I’m talking about—the kind of band you’d love to come across while hopping between your favorite watering holes. But halfway through, things shift gears as they launch into their single “Mind,” which sounds much more like the KINKS than anything else on the slab. There’s a Brit-pop/Southern rock tinge that makes an appearance throughout, but the majority of the record has a sinister RAMONES vibe more akin to ANTISEEN, but less gritty. This is a very polished and produced punk album and is essentially a love/hate letter to ABUSEMENTS’ home state of Alabama. Or maybe it’s a cautionary tale. Regardless, fun stuff here.

Luxury Teeth DCxPC Live & Dead, Vol. 3 LP

These DCxPC slabs are always a lot of fun. LUXURY TEETH brings us your standard rock’n’roll-flavored hardcore. The first half of the album is a live recording—high-energy and sloppy at times, but the good kind of sloppy. Super raw and minimally produced, if produced at all. Lots of charming banter in between songs, and you can tell the band are among friends in the audience. Just a really pleasant time all around. Warms the cold cockles of my heart. Also there’s an OUTFIELD cover slipped in halfway through, and that adds an additional ten points from me. The latter half, the “dead” half, is studio recordings which are a bit more polished and produced, but they do a good job of staying authentic to the band’s live charisma. Really enjoyable stuff here, and well worth a spin.

Dead Street Dreamers Countdown to the Reaper CD

Fun street punk outing here—hard-hitting songs, high-energy vocalist, and a lead guitarist serving up some tasty licks. Nothing groundbreaking, but if you’re into stuff like STREET BRATS and early DROPKICK MURPHYS, you’ll dig this. Apparently the lead guitarist used to play with RIVER CITY REBELS, and while I can’t find which era he belonged to, they’re a good comparison point as well.

The Gobs Go Soft / Pop Off EP

My initial thought seeing this single was “Wow, a Goodbye Boozy band with songs that run longer than two minutes?” Took me a minute-and-a-half to realize that this isn’t a single at all; the A and B-sides are just two different EPs. More lo-fi, synth-driven egg-punk that we’ve come to expect from this label. However, each song has a different vibe to it. There’s a diverse range of gear used on each track, specifically the different drum machines featured throughout. The GOBS bounce back and forth between sounding like PRISON AFFAIR, ’90s dream pop, and sinister darkwave. Really freshens things up and keeps them from sounding like the hundreds of other egg bands out there right now.

Bandy Void EP

Really fantastic post-punk here. At times, it’s reminiscent of TALKING HEADS after a caffeine binge. Also reminds me a bit of the DEAD MILKMEN if they had gone to art school in Chicago. There’s a little bit of a shoegaze element as well, with lots of pedal usage that drowns everything else out in a fuzz. Nothing I’d consider groundbreaking, but this is a really solid EP and well worth a listen if you’re a fan of dance punk.

Möwer II LP

This album kicks a whole ton of ass, instantly bringing to mind the MOTÖRHEAD of a new generation. That’s kind of the point, right? I mean, just look at the name. As is tradition in Lemmy-worship, this album teeters much heavier on the metal side of the punk spectrum, with searing guitar solos that tear through the fabric of each song. I’m a huge fan of the bass tone here as well. Dirty, tinny, and tucked in the pocket, but the moment it comes out for a walk, it completely imposes itself upon the listener. Great stuff here. For fans of playing video poker in your favorite dive bar until you’re forced to go home at last call.

Circus One Big Joke 12″

I don’t know what it is about clowns, but I love them. I’ve got a small collection of clown paraphernalia peppered throughout my home, and have a low-key obsession with the lucha libre trio Los Payasos. So imagine my excitement when the new CIRCUS album came across my desk. I initially thought the band name and clown motif were surface-level gimmicks, but no. The theme permeates throughout the entire record. CIRCUS plays your typical hardcore akin to bands like FROSTBITE and NEW LOWS, and while the music is tight and quite good, it’s the lyrics that bring it to a whole other level for me. Featuring such classic lines as “Bozo motherfucker / Got a bone to pick / Forty clowns deep / As the tiny engine rips,” as heard in “Clown Car Pile Up,” and “You honk the honk but you will never walk my walk,” from the track “Silly Prison,” CIRCUS continues to maintain the classic balance of insidiousness and innocence that we’ve all come to known from the storied history of our favorite, face-painted buffoons. Fantastic stuff here, even for those who suffer from coulrophobia.

The Stress Balls Disappointed cassette

Power-chord-driven gutter punk out of Boston. Laden with noodly guitar leads and strong, charismatic vocals, this album’s lo-fi quality really aids in its efforts. Sounds raw and organic—just a bunch of folks having fun playing punk. Reminds me of something you’d have heard from Hellcat Records in their early years. Nothing too groundbreaking, with the aforementioned vocals doing most of the heavy lifting, but this is a really fun outing, especially if you’re a fan of DIY punk.

Golden Shitters Love Blows EP

A RAMONES-core trio from the banks of Lake Ontario, GOLDEN SHITTERS play your typical SCREECHING WEASEL-styled pop punk. Fun and catchy stuff, and if you dig these kinds of tunes, GOLDEN SHITTERS will be right up your alley. Otherwise, it’s pretty run-of-the-mill bubblegum punk. I bet they’re a lot of fun to see live, though.

Liquid Lunch Road King cassette

Hyperactive egg-punk that brings to mind PRISON AFFAIR after one too many vodka Red Bulls. Powerful, screeching vocals paired with scorching guitar licks and the occasional synth lead. As is the case with most of these egg bands, there’s a lot of DEVO influence here, but there are moments that have a ’90s Fat Wreck vibe to them, too. Elements of bands like GOOBER PATROL shine through at points—helps differentiate LIQUID LUNCH from the other legion of nerds out there making this kind of music. Good stuff here, and well worth checking out if you’re a fellow egghead.

First in Line / Gasp / Statues / Sweet Teeth Honor Roll of Hits: A Lövely Four Way Split LP

No pun intended, but this truly is a lovely four-way split right here. A nice meld of several different styles, which leaves the entire album feeling fresh throughout. Things kick off with STATUES, who play a bittersweet, indie-rock-tinged style of punk similar to bands like GASLIGHT ANTHEM and latter-era HÜSKER DÜ. GASP is up next with some hardcore-infused rock’n’roll that brings to mind the more recent outings from bands like FUCKED UP. Really high-energy with musical peaks and valleys that keep things especially groovy. SWEET TEETH have a similar sound to STATUES, but are more akin to DINOSAUR JR. and FARSIDE, satiating the needs of anyone who misses the ’90s alternative sound. Closing things ups, ironically enough, is FIRST IN LINE, who play a style of skate punk that I feel like I haven’t heard in years. Anti-fascist and catchy as hell. What more could you want? Really great slab and well worth a listen.

Salem Wolves The Psychotron Speaks cassette

Listen, I need to start off this review by saying that I am extremely impressed with the production and general care SALEM WOLVES put into this concept album, telling the story of a downtrodden pro wrestler who utilizes a magical device called The Psychotron to make all of his wildest dreams come true, ultimately leading to his own self-destruction (I think). It’s like Lord of the Rings, except instead of the Ring, it’s a Psychotron…whatever that may be. The band took it a step further and created a zine and trading cards that pair with this cassette to bring the story to levels that I can only describe as world-building. Musically, it sounds like if BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN was signed to Drive-Thru Records during their darker period in the late 2000s. As a fellow fan of pro wrestling, I was more than excited to dive into this release, and I would again like to reiterate that SALEM WOLVES have completed something that very few underground bands even dare to begin, let alone finish. But in the end, this release is slightly boring at best and, at worst, a slog to finish. It all feels flat, and nothing really ever kicks into second gear. The musicians are all clearly very talented, but I’ve listened to this album a handful of times now and nothing has grabbed me or left a lasting impression. There’s very little catchiness here, and while I understand that the storytelling is the most important part, you gotta give me a reason to want to come back. This may play well for those who value pageantry and theatrics in their music over anything else, and if that’s your thing, then I suggest you give this a listen.

Joro Path Golden Lines cassette

I’m absolutely smitten with this release. Hardcore rock’n’roll fronted by a rabid King Kong recorded directly to tape. Well, at least it sounds like it was recorded directly to tape. The production for this EP is perfect. Gritty, raw, and messy as hell, the audio peaking at the correct times, leaving the drums sounding as if they’ve come through a twisted black hole. Four insane songs clocking in at nearly five minutes; this is one of those EPs where the entire thing is parked on only one track. No need to cut them up anyways, you’re gonna wanna hear it through from start to finish each time.

Pleasants Rocanrol in Mono LP

Australia continues to be the number one exporter of fantastic, pure rock n’ roll, this time from the remote city of Perth. PLEASANTS play with the typical power pop energy we’ve grown used to seeing these days, combining elements of RAMONES, DEVO, and MARKED MEN with a little bit of the STONES thrown into the mix. Shit, the singer sounds like a younger Mick Jagger being run through a megaphone. This was recorded to a four-track cassette station which is absolutely amazing to me. This sounds brilliant. Just goes to show you don’t need any of them fancy doohickeys to capture the true power of the rock’n’roll spirit! Really great stuff here, well worth a spin.

Sputa Consume & Be Consumed LP

I’ll be honest, folks. I initially played through the first song at the wrong speed and liked it a lot more than I did when I bumped it up to the correct 45 RPM. Still a decent outing here, though. Hardcore punk with a little hint of thrash, grind, and slam. The singer is the real standout player here—brutal screams carry each of the songs. Seriously great vocals that alone merit a spin of this slab. Also well worth checking out if you’re into this type of crossover.

JJ and the A’s Eyeballer EP

Really blown away by this EP. High-energy garage punk that reminds me of MARKED MEN/MIND SPIDERS and all those similar Texas bands. The addition of the synth brings it to a whole other level, sounding as if DILLINGER FOUR was smashed together with QUESTION MARK AND THE MYSTERIANS. Production is super crisp and the drums sound massive but not too overpowering. Great stuff here, I’m looking forward to what they do next.

Fuckcrusher / Penny split LP

Listen, I’m a huge fan of unique vocalists, especially in a genre like punk music which requires you to think outside the box if you ever plan to shine among the crowd. And I’m really sorry here because, again, I absolutely love when bands try something different, but both of these acts are marred with grating and unlistenable singers, which is a real shame because the music is fantastic. FUCKCRUSHER plays classic multi-vocal powerviolence akin to MAN IS THE BASTARD. One of the singers sounds fine, but the other one loves to hit this piercing shrill that I cannot handle. Maybe I’m just getting old? It seems like they’re trying to go for an ULTIMATE WARRIORS vibe, but it just sounds like they’re blowing a referee whistle. PENNY plays sloppy punk rock that I was pretty excited about at first, but their singer sounds like Mickey Mouse on a bender. You know what though? The more I listen to this, the more I kinda like it. It’s oddly wholesome and charming. The whole band joins in on gang-vocal duties for their track “Tree,” and it’s truly the breakout single of this whole ordeal. Fuck it, this album is an experience, and I recommend you listen to it at least once. Maybe there is a little bit of shine here.

Hög True Romance EP

Damn, this EP kicks a whole lot of ass. Heavy-hitting, organ-laden rock’n’roll outta New Zealand that would fit right in with all of those Confederacy of Scum bands like HELLSTOMPER, RANCID VAT, and ANTISEEN. Also has a BLUE ÖYSTER CULT vibe, which might not be the type of band you’d want to cop to in an MRR review, but I can never say no to that type of energy. Pretty decent production here, while maintaining that raw edge you’d expect from a band called HÖG. Lovely work.

Walled City World Pain LP

A combination of late ’90s melodic hardcore like LIFETIME and KID DYNAMITE mashed with vocals that can only be described as blackened crust; as if DARKTHRONE started catering to the No Idea crowd. The vocals are absolutely brutal in the best way possible. Energetic, passionate, and heavy. The music sounds like prog-punk. Blisteringly fast at times, while also showcasing some maximum harmonic riffage. It’s like K.K. Downing joined up with the NONE MORE BLACK crew. This is really great stuff and well worth a spin.

Pisse Jammertal / Vetschau 7″

Synth-laced indie jams out of Germany. Really dreamy and crisp, yet rustic and raw. Rhythm section tightly drives each track while the guitar layers an ethereal atmosphere throughout. The A-side kicks things off with a theremin solo, which in itself is impressive as most people don’t have a clue how to use those things. Reminds me of all those twee bands from the early ’00s like the SHOUT OUT LOUDS and CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH. Nothing really groundbreaking here, but it’s a pleasant couple of songs if you dig this type of thing.

Body Farm / Dry Socket Body//Socket split LP

Cool split here. BODY FARM kicks things off with a powerviolence/youth crew hybrid. Reminds me of BETTER THAN A THOUSAND mixed with SPAZZ. Really love the vocals— more like a yelp than your typical grind-screaming. Feels fresh and unique. My only complaint here is that the drums are way too loud. At first I thought that maybe the drummer was playing out of the pocket way too often, but in reality, they’re just drowning everything else out, which is a real bummer because there are some great guitar parts that are lost in the mix. DRY SOCKET brings everything up to another level. Serious mosh anthems with a singer who screams like a banshee. I’m truly amazed listening to them. Screeching this loud for this long is a superpower. Everything else is tight and groovy; brutal and intense. Real solid outing here form both bands.

Suppression Spiritual Sepsis LP

Loud, fast, and tight as hell. Fantastic bass-driven powerviolence/grind that also has a tinge of ’80s thrash. The vocalist has a super impressive range, spanning deep growls, high-pitched screeches, and a vicious bark that lands directly in the middle of it all, almost like the three bears of hardcore vocalists. Or maybe I’m an idiot and there are several singers on this thing—no idea, they don’t have the personnel listed. Drums are absolutely insane and need to be heard to be believed. In a time when most grindcore bands sound the same, I love hearing something refreshingly unique. Well worth a spin if you dig this kind of stuff.

Junk Guts Get Trashin’ cassette

High-energy punk. I originally thought the drums were programmed, but I think there’s a person behind that kit? Someone smarter than me is gonna need to wise me up here. If it’s the latter, then this drummer is one of the tightest I’ve ever heard. The singer does a ton of heavy lifting here; their energy is what carries this album throughout. Otherwise it’s pretty typical cut-and-dry punk rock. Twelve tracks seemed daunting at first, but the album really picks up midway through and ends strong. I’m starting to question whether the drums are real or not again. To quote JUNK GUTS, “sometimes I think my brain is broke.”

Gimic We Are Making a New World EP

Listen, I hate being hyperbolic, especially when it comes to record reviews. How are you going to take my word at face value if I constantly tell you how so-and-so’s newest album is the greatest thing I’ve heard all year? It’d be like the boy who cries wolf, except with punk music instead of a man-eating beast. Anyway, GIMIC’s newest single is easily the greatest thing I’ve heard all year. I have no other way to describe this other than post-post-punk. It’s like if you took BOW WOW WOW and threw them into a vat of toxic waste. Dance-y enough to groove to, while simultaneously being manic enough to have a complete and total meltdown in the pit. Guitar and bass are clean with a little bit of distorted twang. Very natural and classic. The tone reminds me of the ADVANTAGE while having a math rock edge. Absolutely worth picking up for your summer jams playlist and beyond.

CarlxJohnson Hesoyam LP

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas-themed powerviolence straight out of Slovenia. Wow, now that’s a sentence I never thought I’d type. Regardless, this whole slab rips. Brings to mind HEWHOCORRUPTS, MAN IS THE BASTARD, SPAZZ, and the like. There’s also a FUCK ON THE BEACH cover nestled at the end. Fantastic stuff here, and well worth a spin if you’re a fan of the tongue-in-cheek grindcore from the late ’90s/early ’00s.

Sam Snitchy Talking Talking CD

The label’s Bandcamp page describes this act as “anti-dance,” but I don’t know about that. This sounds pretty dance-oriented to me. The songs are long and repetitive, so it seems like they’re designed as such. I could see this being pretty hot at your local underground goth club. I don’t mean to be the MRR snitch here (no pun intended), but I would barely even consider this punk-adjacent. I guess it has sort of a PiL feel to it, but it sounds more like SHE WANTS REVENGE or something you’d hear on ’00s alternative radio. Not a lot of interesting stuff going on here. It’s dry and a tad boring. Who knows, maybe I’m just in the wrong setting. Might sound better at a dark warehouse party after a couple drinks. In my present state, though, it’s a slog to get through.

Beast Killer Dystopian Now/Dystopian Me LP

Two things that I find impressive about this album: first and foremost, the fact that this is a two-piece. Very curious what octave pedals they’re using here, because it feels incredibly full. Secondly, the drummer is fantastic and tight as hell. Otherwise, this band reminds me of those No Idea acts that sound more like FOO FIGHTERS than HOT WATER MUSIC. The kind of band that you might see open for FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH or something similar. I might just be biased because the record kicks off with one of those “fuck your scene, fuck your style, fuck you” songs, and I really cannot stand that type of attitude. If you like that sort of thing, this LP is up your alley, because it’s constant throughout.

Hans Condor Big Breakfast LP

Pure rock’n’roll madness with a little bit of a Southern/stoner rock edge to it. Reminds me of a less doomy SWORD mixed with MOLLY HATCHET, AC/DC, and a dash of latter-era BUSINESS. Production is incredible and everything sounds massive, especially the drums. Soaring harmonic guitars and sweeping bass-walks. This is great stuff right here. The kind of album I’d throw on during a super hot day while I grill out, drink beer, and take a dip in my inflatable pool. White-trash-core in the best way possible. Highly recommended for those who like to party and sweat their asses off deep into the long, summer evenings.

Hood Rats Crime, Hysteria & Useless Information LP

Hardcore out of Montreal with a cowpunk twang. No shit. Catchy as hell with an attitude that matches. Reminiscent of the golden era of GG ALLIN, but much faster with a much better lead guitarist. Fantastic stuff here, and well worth a spin. I’ve played through this like five times in one sitting.

Life Has Soured / Squelch Chamber split cassette

I absolutely adore SQUELCH CHAMBER, so seeing this come through my to-do pile was an exciting moment for me. Their full-length Eater of Self was one of my favorite albums last year, and their side of this split continues on with the punishing sludge metal for which they’ve come to be known. Very reminiscent of KILSLUG and other Larry Lifeless projects. It’s like MELVINS if they were even more unhinged. Great stuff as always on their part. LIFE HAS SOURED also plays slow and low noisy doom, but almost sounds tame in comparison to SQUELCH CHAMBER. Good stuff, though. A split that’s well worth picking up if you can find it!

Ritual Warfare Poison Death Noise EP

You know, there really isn’t anything that stands out to me about this EP. It’s pretty cut-and-dry blackened death metal with some decent riffage, pummeling drums, and the typical themes ranging from gore to anti-religious iconography. However, it’s charming in its own way. There’s a palatable sort of passion that oozes from it. This is the kind of band I’d have a really great time seeing live, but probably wouldn’t listen to much in any other setting. I think it’s because there’s absolutely no low end on this recording. If there’s a bass player, then they absolutely buried them in the mix. Some metalheads dig that kind of thing, though. If that’s up your alley then this is worth a spin.

Strikeslip Stuporstar / Terribly Tangled Up 7″

This is a really lovely single. Tongue-in-cheek power pop that brings to mind NATURAL CHILD, SPACE PHLEGM, and even a little bit of early ROLLING STONES. Incredible production here as well. Everything sounds clean and natural. I love hearing poppy music like this that isn’t compressed to all hell. This might not enter the rotation of the typical MRR reader, but I’m smitten by it. For fans of Matador Records and people who think indie music peaked in the mid-’90s.

Birth Ritual Hell CD

Fantastic three-song EP from Japan’s own BIRTH RITUAL. Thrash punk teetering way more towards the trash end of the spectrum. This album is absolutely brutal straight out of the gate. No frills or unnecessary bullshit. Just pure intensity and raw power. A true throwback to the classic years of thrash and metal in general. For fans of NUCLEAR ASSAULT, MESSIAH, HOLY TERROR, etc.

The Darbs She’s a Dungeon Master Now LP

Catchy and fun pop punk out of the Malibu of the Midwest: Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Maybe I’m being subconsciously influenced by the dairyland association, but these guys remind me a lot of BORIS THE SPRINKLER. Fantastic vocals, especially the harmonies. This is the kind of band I’d love to see live at some desolate Wisco bar late on a Friday night, with a lukewarm bottle of PBR and a matching neon sign hung behind the stage (in this fantasy, the stage is just a spot on the dining room floor where they cleared away the extra tables and chairs). Great album here. In my opinion, Wisconsin’s punk scenes in general are crucially underrated and they need to be boosted on everyone’s radar.

Kirkby Kiss / Medicinal split EP

Great split EP here. MEDICINAL sounds like a modern rendition of the lost wave of emo that no one really ever talks about, which featured bands like CAR VS DRIVER and BOYS LIFE. Noodly riffs in a minor key with a vocalist who appears to have worshiped at the altar of Guy Picciotto. This is what I think about when someone references post-hardcore. KIRKBY KISS plays a more stringent version of hardcore, but their singer really stood out to me. Very raw and real, sounding like they blew their voice out before they even got into the studio. My only complaint is that it’s over too soon!

Cornish Game Hen Death Process CD

Imagine my surprise when a dance punk band named CORNISH GAME HEN wasn’t from across the pond, but instead from Houston, Texas of all places. Sounding like ADAM ANT, the B-52’S, and THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS all smashed together, it is a daunting task to get through this fourteen-track album. Very repetitive and drab, which is interesting to me because it sounds like each member takes up vocal duties throughout this disc. You’d think this would spice things up a bit, but it still just all sounds the same. I do need to point out that out of all the tracks, the vocal performance on “Poster Punk” really stands out, as it showcases an impressive run during the chorus. The synth work is great, don’t get me wrong. However, it does a metric ton of the heavy lifting and doesn’t fill the gaps left wanting by the rest of the band. CORNISH GAME HEN ultimately chose quantity over quality here. Death Process may have worked better as an EP with a handful of their best songs from this session.

Accidente / Nightwatchers split LP

Genuine question here: are these the same bands with different singers? They both sound identical sans vocals, and even then, they both sing with the same inflection. It almost seems like these folks sat around and wrote these songs together. I guess that would be pretty impressive in itself, seeing as one band is from France and the other from Spain. I’ve whined about this in the past, so forgive me if you’ve heard this tirade before, but split albums are really only interesting when you can clearly distinguish the bands from each other. There were times listening through to this album that I didn’t realize it had hopped over into the second half until the singer appeared. Regardless, both bands are quite talented and have obviously taken great care with their songwriting. The production is beautiful, and each side sounds absolutely massive and sweeping. However, there’s nothing really groundbreaking here. I’ve listened through a handful of times and very little has really stuck with me. Closest I can come to a comparison is SUGAR STEMS and MARKED MEN, but they don’t replicate the same type of catchy hooks. Interesting to note that while both bands are from Europe, this LP was mastered at the legendary Sonic Iguana Studios in Indiana.

Zondar The Chain / The Light Burns 7″

Rob from BUCK BILOXI brings us some more of that DEVO-inspired egg-punk that’s everywhere these days. Both songs have movie samples that seem to last longer than the actual music itself. This single is fine. This drum-machine-laden bedroom punk genre has been done to death, and you really gotta come out swinging if you want to contribute something interesting, especially on a label like Goodbye Boozy, which has released a ton of heavy hitters in this style over the last couple of years.

Paprika Let’s Kill Punk LP

Really solid hardcore record here. Reminds me of a modern MDC, especially with the vocalist who has the same poise and energy as Dave Dictor. Similar candor as well; the lyrics are blunt and straight to the point, as heard in tracks like “Polite Society” and “Let’s Kill Punk.” Brilliant production, too. Everything sounds loud, crisp, and massive. There’s an echo effect on the vocals that I would usually not be a fan of, but it works well on these recordings. It sounds like the singer is shouting into the abyss and the abyss is shouting back. I am a huge fan of the drums here. Drummer hits hard as hell, and it really helps foster the chaos that is PAPRIKA. A+ effort here, and well worth a spin.

Virvon Varvon Four Bars of Hate cassette

This band fucking rocks and this band fucking rolls, baby. Great lo-fi garage rock that sounds like if the STOOGES started writing music with NOBUNNY and nosier acts like GOD IS MY CO-PILOT. Raw and catchy with an attitude to match. I absolutely love how the vocals are recorded. Slightly blown-out, but not enough that they’re obnoxious or grating. Drummer is the unsung hero here. They’re tucked in the back, but they trudge along and keep the slightest bit of order to this madness. Fantastic work here, and well worth a play!

Brody and the Grodies Brody and the Grodies Went to the Bar So This Half-Finished Record is All That You Ge CD

One of those bands that purposely tries to sound like shit and is proud of it, except BRODY AND THE GRODIES don’t really sound like shit. They’re just kind of boring and corny. Seven drum-machine-driven punk songs with topics ranging from beer, coffee, Bigfoot, beer, and meat. Wait, did I mention beer? The album is topped off with a five-minute sketch that sounds like it came from an old ICP demo tape. You can tell they had fun recording this, which is really the best thing I can say about this whole ordeal. You’d be better off listening to FOSSIL FUEL or one of the other hundreds of FOOD FORTUNATA-related projects out there.

Toxic Thrust I Love You / Cenotaph 7″

I love this 45. That’s a pretty fitting reaction if I do say so myself. Two fun little rock’n’roll ditties that sound as if KING KHAN started writing music for the DR. DEMENTO show. There’s a surf/psych-rock element to them as well which gives these tracks a real summer jam kind of vibe. Not much to show in the lyrics department, but sometimes all you need to do is let someone know you love them.

Failure Face Junction Pizza EP

I am a huge sucker for live punk albums, and this little slab here is a great example as to why. Pure, raw, rock’n’roll chaos, recorded in April of 1995. FAILURE FACE plays a hybrid type of hardcore powerviolence that reminds me a lot of bands like KUNG-FU RICK and AUTHORITY ABUSE. I absolutely adore the crowd interaction throughout the record. It starts off pretty enthusiastic and it begins to dwindle as the show progresses. Very relatable, very endearing, and very real. We’ve all been there! Comes with a neat little two-page autobiographical write-up of the band and the record itself. These recordings were initially ripped from a VHS! Incredible! They sound great. Fantastic 7” here, especially if you’re someone like me who really loves the history of obscure punk scenes of the past.

Pi$$er Too Busy Eating Gruel LP

Wow, I didn’t know what to expect here, and this album completely blew me away. What starts off like a THROBBING GRISTLE record soon kicks into what I can only describe as ROCKET FROM THE CRYPT on steroids. PI$$ER doesn’t remain married to that sound, and they bounce between early industrial, DEVO-like new wave, and a surprising amount of soundscapes for a punk LP. The production flows together beautifully, and there is nary a second of dead air. A very well-crafted concept album that never once feels boring or hastily manufactured. Featuring members of DOOM and SORE THROAT, if you can believe it. Fantastic stuff here, and well worth tracking down!

Better Plastic Mint Condition EP

First and foremost, I am a big fan of this album art. Throw a couple skulls on your record cover and it’s an automatic spin from me. Artsy powerviolence out of Brooklyn—shocking, I know. Super groovy, and sounds similar to FUCKED UP’s Glass Boys (Slow Version). Has a Steve Albini edge to it, and reminds me a lot of heavier JESUS LIZARD/LAUGHING HYENAS. What really sets this 7′ apart from their peers is the guitar and bass work. Pummeling at times, but also noisy and dissonant. Treble-heavy bass sounds like it’s come straight from the ’90s, giving off a classic post-hardcore vibe. Guitar is noisy as all hell and reminds me of if WOLF EYES collaborated with Greg Ginn (at least during his late ’80s era when he tried playing jazz guitar). A fun little romp and well worth a spin.

Ultras Ultras II EP

Very tight fastcore here. The drums and guitar both sound great, but I wish the vocals and the bass were a little louder in the mix. It lacks any low-end and comes off sounding a lot less heavy than it should. The vocals sound like they’re being run through an old distortion pedal and have very little power behind them. They’re tucked behind everything else in the mix and are drowned out by the rest of the band. This is fine for what it is, but I guess I just expected more from a band featuring members of WORLD PEACE.

P.S Tensión cassette

Fantastic synth punk from Ecuador. Almost like a South American ATOM AND HIS PACKAGE/I HATE YOU WHEN YOU’RE PREGNANT, which scores huge points with me. Vocals are powerful and energetic. I wish I was smart enough to understand what he was saying, but I barely eked by in my Spanish classes in college. According to the liner notes, this was made with an authentic analog synthesizer. None of those bland, overused GarageBand samples here! Pure electronic madness, and well worth picking up if you’re looking to diversify your cassette collection.

Impermanence 9-Song Offering cassette

Powerviolence out of Portland teetering more on the trashier side. Hard for me to not compare these guys to MAN IS THE BASTARD seeing as they’re a bass/drums combo, but that’s what I’ll have to default to here because…well, they sound a lot like them! They also give off a SPAZZ/CAPTAIN THREE LEG vibe, as their riffs are catchy and melodic. For just being two people, they sound massive and super heavy. Drums sound natural, which is always an A+ in a genre that resorts to triggers.

Rejoice All of Heaven’s Luck LP

The first new release from this Columbus quintet in about two years, REJOICE reminds me a bit of what NEGATIVE APPROACH would sound like if its members were born within the last quarter-century, mainly because the singer sounds like a modern-age John Brannon. Otherwise, this a pretty groovy record, and teeters more on the metal side of the hardcore see-saw than punk. I don’t know how else to explain this, but this record is chock-full of what I’ll call “spooky” guitar leads that you often hear in black metal. Actually, this whole album has a blackened edge to it. It would probably sound like it came directly from the Arctic Circle if the recording quality wasn’t so top-notch.

Bedspin Liminal Spaces LP

As a fellow Illinoisan, I will always give props to bands from not-Chicago, especially if they’re from the very bottom of the state. I hear Carbondale has a great punk scene, though. Anyways, lovely pop punk outing here. A very nostalgic listen for me. Reminded me of the first time I heard Fat Music for Fat People, which forever changed my life. Catchy vocals, noodly guitar leads, treble-heavy bass runs, and the occasional drive-by ska riff! Feels like the early ’00s for me, makes me want to dig out my old skateboard and pretend like I know what I’m doing again. Great stuff here. For fans of early Fat Wreck and Epitaph.

Small Steps Breakthroughs/Breakdowns LP

Cookie-cutter pop punk out of Kentucky. Reminiscent of DIGGER, GAMEFACE, and early ATARIS, but lacking a lot of the charm those bands had. Very lukewarm lyrics that range from the utmost corny (“I’ll learn to take long walks with you / As I forever stand beside you,” as heard in “Rome is Where the Heart Is”), to straight-up tired cliches (“I was born at night / But not born last night” from the track “Three Button Sweater”). The lyrics are probably what kills the band the most for me. The music is actually pretty decent. Catchy at points, sentimental at others. Production is great and everything is very clean and mixed well. But with songs like the ironically titled “Skip This Song,” in which the singer laments about playing a poorly attended show in a wishy-washy scene, these guys make it hard to like them. We’ve all played bad shows, man. It happens. This just comes off sounding more entitled than anything. SMALL STEPS could be a great band if they took a little more time on the writing process. I look forward to seeing what they come up with down the road.

R.M.F.C. Club Hits LP

Yet another top-notch band out of Australia. I have said it over and over again at this point, but they really know how to rock in the Southern Hemisphere. Lovely dance punk that reminds me quite a bit of SHOPPING, CHERRY CHEEKS, and all things ADAM ANT. I am smitten with the guitar tones here. Very natural, but unique and ethereal. Lots of care and patience went into this recording and it really shows. Great work here, and well worth a spin!

Disinterred Corpse Burial cassette

Holy shit, this is chaotic as all hell. I can’t lie, the moment I saw the length of each song, I knew I was going to love this. Is that a bias? I guess it could be, but I can’t deny my adoration for sub-minute songs. Pure grind insanity here. I’m curious as to how the drums were recorded. It sounds like they were tracked directly to a TASCAM through a karaoke mic. They are blown the fuck out and it really adds to the madness. This sounds like the most organized mess of music I’ve ever heard in my life. It really distances them from other modern grind which sounds a bit too over-produced and clean for my tastes. I did initially scoff a bit at the cover art’s “Extremely Graphic Content” warning, but in hindsight, if any album is deemed worthy of that title, it’s this one. Wonderful stuff here, straddling the line between noisecore and grindcore.

Todestrieb DEsperAte THanatology CD

Listen, I’m gonna be honest here. If you’re someone who likes conventionally “good” hardcore—polished, on tempo, and in tune—then you’re not going to like this album. However, if you’re someone like me who likes the sloppiest of the slop, who loves musicians that sound like they’re attempting their instruments for the first or second time, then this record is for you. TODESTRIEB may not have the technical chops of their crust peers, but to say they don’t have the correct attitude is straight-up false. These guys just go for it and kill it. I love seeing this kind of confidence in punk. Less solos and more noise is what I say! Big fan of this album.

Lone Creep 100 Beers of Music: The First Year CD

Self-proclaimed AARP hardcore! Thrash-inspired one-man punk act out of the Southwest. Biting satire, not only aimed at nationwide issues seen in songs like “Get Shot” and “Corporate Job,” but also on a personal level with tracks like “My Neighbor is a Dickhead” and “I’m in a Foul Mood.” I can definitely relate with those last two. Charisma here is infectious, and his vocals are absolutely built for punk music. Very strong and in-your-face! Lots of attitude and confidence. You can tell this dude just loves having fun, making music, and cultivating his scene at large. I did a little research here and his social media presence is nothing but PMA. Love to see it. The kind of guy you’d love to get a beer with. Well worth a spin, especially for all you old fogies!

Lazer Bullet Spirit Suck Shit EP

Fastcore punk rock outta the Pacific Northwest. Really brilliant work here. The guitar has a little bit of a twang with a natural distortion to it, which gives it a crisper and cleaner sound while maintaining the hardcore energy. Everything is just so near-impossibly fast and never wavers. Super intense energy and incredibly tight. Vocals sound great; high-registered yelps drenched in reverb that really gives it that rock’n’roll edge. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention just how great the drums sound, spot-on and massive. This is a great EP all around. I’d even consider it a very early contender for future “Records of the Year” lists.

Variation 8 EP

As soon as this EP kicked off, I knew I was going to love it. Fast, sloppy, garbage-grind. Lo-fi and gritty recording makes it sound like it was unearthed from a ’90s time capsule. The treble on the guitars and bass is turned up way high and gives off a classic black metal vibe. Nothing beats the pukey vocals for me. So many modern grind bands hire vocal coaches to “learn” how to scream. What’s up with that? This dude here just goes for it and it sounds a million times better than someone who had to pay to sound brutal. They’re probably a real joy to see live. Really great stuff here, and well worth a pick-up if you’re into this type of trash-grind.

Attack Total Total Attack EP

Fun punk/pub rock out of Sweden, which is surprising because this sounds a lot like the bands that  came from the Chicagoland area in the mid-to-late ’90s—very similar to WALKER and WINEPRESS and all of the other Harmless Records groups, probably because each song has these simple little guitar licks that are catchy as hell. Singer reminds me a lot of Joey Ramone mixed with Frankie Stubbs of LEATHERFACE fame. The kind of band I’d love to come across on a pub crawl. Big fan of this EP, and think it’s well worth a spin.

Terre Neuve Condamné EP

Really great modern Oi! out of Belgium that incorporates a lot of hardcore elements as well. Solid guitar gallops and throaty, barking vocals. Speaking of guitar, the utilization of the barre chords adds a whole level of additional heaviness on top of the melodic leads that give off a bit of a pop sensibility. Catchy but brutal. Everything is played tight, and the drums and bass are interlocked real well. I love the bass tone here, it sounds like the strings are melting off the neck with each stroke. Really amplifies the energy as a whole. These dudes just went all out. Lovely work here.

Simp Society Idolizing Meaningless Products cassette

Raw and fast hardcore out of the Pacific Northwest. Seems to be just two dudes writing and recording everything on their own, which is always very impressive to me. Has a real powerviolence feel, and reminds me quite a bit of late-era CHARLES BRONSON and ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN. My only complaint is that this EP is extremely short. I use the term “blink and it’s over” often enough, but that is literally the case here. As soon as the album gets moving, it’s done. I guess that just leaves us wanting more. If that was their intention, then it worked! Now I’m simping for SIMP. 

Strangely Addictive Animal CD

Your typical run-of-the-mill garage rock here. There’s some decent stuff on this disc, but a lot of it comes off like JACK WHITE trying to ape the NEW YORK DOLLS and RICHARD HELL. I usually love me a good drum machine, but the lack of real drums hinders this album quite a bit. It’s way too clean, robotic, and precise. This is an odd complaint, but this album is a tad too long, almost like being forced to eat an entire bucket of ice cream. The first four scoops are great, but halfway through, you’re choking it down and wondering why you have so much ice cream in the first place—very ironic considering the band name. Vocals are great, snotty and charismatic, and carry most of the album. Lots of potential for STRANGELY ADDICTIVE, I think they just need to adjust their game plan a bit.

Abanglupa Of Rats and Swine LP

Brutal powerviolence out of the Philippines. Teeters more on the metal side than the punk side of PV. Super heavy, but slow and low at points. Has a doom metal element, but also reminds me of the early era of nu-metal when it was still experimental and not the cornball mallcore it later became. Lots of dissonant guitars and deeply heavy barre chords. I love non-American grindcore because they think more outside the box than their Western counterparts—always comes off more authentic and less fashionable. Really beautiful production, everything is crisp and full. Vocals are full-throttle and front and center. Everything sounds great here; super tight and groovy as hell. Well worth a spin if you’re into this type of thing.

Kageneko / Merked split cassette

Great split between two grindcore bands from the West Coast. Both sound pretty similar, but MERKED has real drums and KAGENEKO is a classic cybergrind band with the drum machine playing impossibly fast beats. Reminds of something you’d find in some random distro in the early ’00s. Nothing groundbreaking here, but it’s fun as hell.

Karkaisu Tulenarkaa EP

Hardcore crust out of Finland. Very thrashy at points. In fact, this feels more like a metal album than a punk one. Not that I’m complaining, I’m a big fan of this release. It was almost a little shocking to see this was recorded within the last year—it honestly feels like this was unearthed from the early ’80s. Very tight recording, and the guitars are absolute fire. Blistering fast galloping that never wavers. Fantastic stuff, and the album art is the icing on the cake. For fans of early METALLICA and ZNOWHITE.

D.R.L.N. Broadcasting cassette

Incredible album—has a classic DC vibe and sounds a lot like a more sinister FUGAZI. I’m sure they get that a lot. Lots of energy, but also some slow, low, and sludgy moments. Very cool mathy parts; I love how the drummer utilizes the hi-hat as a stopgap in between certain measures. It helps foster a strong dynamic that keeps the orderly chaos moving. The singer is a modern-day Guy Picciotto, which I’d argue is hard to pull off in earnest. It doesn’t come off as cosplay. Very authentic and raw. Over the years, the genre of post-hardcore has evolved away from its original definition, but I think this album brings the style back to its roots. Well worth a spin if you’re into stuff like QUICKSAND, RIVAL SCHOOLS, and Q AND NOT U.

Jonas Patterns of Dominance 12″

A re-release of their 1996 demo recording, pressed from the original masters. Classic grindcore from a time before bands started using drum triggers and studio trickery. Vocals sound authentic and real, unlike a lot of today’s grind acts who run their singer through a whole mess of effects and processing. I’m starting to come off like some bitter old man, but it’s refreshing to hear something that isn’t attempting to be a polished product. Noisy, raw, and fast as hell. Blink and it’s over, just the way it should be.

The Losers / Rote split EP

Really great split between two bands out of California, albeit in different directions. Makes sense, as both of these groups sound like they’ve come straight from the heyday of Gilman. ROTE brings us some classic melodic hardcore while teetering on the edge of crust. They remind me a bit of LEFTÖVER CRACK with less ska and better vocals. Very authentic, and a lot of fun. If I can be honest, I didn’t expect much from a band called the LOSERS in this day and age, especially since they included a cover of “Rockin’ in the Free World.” But my mind was quickly changed during their first track “The Big Question,” owing to their very charismatic frontman and blistering guitar leads. Classic punk rock right here with a bit of an Oi! tinge. Hey, even the NEIL YOUNG tribute is pretty cool!

Vintage Crop Springtime / Mercenary 7″

More fantastic music out of Australia. Poppy post-punk with a little bit of slowcore thrown in. Chill and laid back. The singer sounds a bit like a less energetic Fred Schenider, which might seem like a critique, but it works very well for VINTAGE CROP’s styling. Great use of the synthesizer during “Springtime,” and especially the horns (or what I think are horns) at the end. Fits right into the pocket and gives the track a floral accent. “Mercenary” reminds me a lot of ’90s indie groups like SUPERCHUNK. Very catchy with upbeat guitars that don’t overlap the vocals. Great composition for both tracks. Lots going on, but it doesn’t sound messy or overthought. I initially wondered why this wasn’t released during the spring, only to remember it’s currently spring in Australia. The Earth is crazy, huh!

Lengua Salvaje 2023 Demo cassette

Raw, crusty hardcore three-piece out of Chicago. They’re another one of those trios that does a great job filling in the gaps, sounding absolutely massive with just a drummer, guitarist, and vocalist. Reminds me of all the early grind bands who came to fruition without a bass player but still sounded heavy as hell, much like a more rustic PIG DESTROYER. Vocals are blood-curdling like a banshee in the night. Absolutely intense and unwavering. The lo-fi production pairs perfectly here. I love how the drums come off in the mix—tucked a tad into the back, but when they come alive they’re pummeling. Top-notch stuff here.

Stiff Meds Tales From the Slab LP

I wanted to like this album. I really, really did. I love the album art, and I’m a sucker for any hardcore band with sub-minute-long songs. Before I start with my griping, I will say that the drummer on this album is incredible. Fast and tight as hell. I had to do a little research to make sure it wasn’t a drum machine—I really wish they were louder in the mix. There is absolutely no low end on this album. Every song sounds weak. The bass and drums are tinny, and the treble is turned up way too loud. In fact, the bass is so low in the mix that I sometimes can’t even tell that it’s there. The singer is just not built for this style of music. They drench his vocals in some weird compression effect that, again, eliminates the low end and makes it sound way too airy. I assume it’s supposed to make his voice raw and grittier, but it only makes it sound like he’s trying to clear his throat constantly. During “Torn Out,” the tenth track on the album, there’s a portion where he speaks the lyrics, and it honestly sounds better than his attempt to do the tough-guy vocals. Very paint-by-numbers hardcore here. Nothing feels fresh, and they really over do it with the samples, placing them directly in the middle of the song where it causes a giant clusterfuck, sounding sloppy and disjointed. STIFF MEDS has the talent. I just don’t know if it’s conducive to this type of songwriting.

Goblin Brain Goblin Brain CD

Damn, this EP is brutal. This is some classic straightedge hardcore. Feels like I picked this up from the back of some distro catalog in the late ’90s. If you ever needed a proper example of fastcore, this is it right here. Drums are absolutely incredible on this recording, easily the most intense part—loud, in-your-face, and tight as hell. Very reminiscent of early WEEKEND NACHOS, and with breakdowns much like DAMNATION A.D. Blink and it’s over, but that’s the way hardcore should be!

The Gents Responsible Dog Walker EP

Fun stuff here out of Germany—melodic garage punk with an Oi! twist. Reminds me a little bit of early SNUFF mixed with BLITZ. Very catchy hooks. Each song sounds slightly different than the last, and it leads to a very compelling EP. The dual vocals really help keep everything fresh and they create a great dynamic. These guys apparently have day jobs as elementary school teachers and practice each night in the school’s music room. Nothing more rock’n’roll than that. Well worth a spin. Very tight and energetic.

Piss Shivers Piss Shivers LP

Yet another fantastic import out of Australia. At times, this album sounds like a modern BUZZCOCKS paired with barking vocals akin to Rick Froberg of HOT SNAKES fame. Guitar has a very natural distortion and doesn’t sound like it’s being processed through a bunch of different pedals. I was gobsmacked to learn this band is a two-piece. They really know how to get the most out of their limitations because these recordings sound absolutely massive. I’m aware that there’s studio trickery to fill the gaps, but the overdubbing sounds to be at an absolute minimum. This is rock’n’roll.

Agathocles / Malicious Algorithm split EP

I know that I should know better by this point, but every time I see a new AGATHOCLES split, my first reaction is always “wow, another one?”— I’m sure I’m not alone here. And usually, right before I throw it on, I always assume that this EP will be the one where they start phoning it in; that their side of the slab will be a bit of a bore or lazy or unimaginative or what have you. However, once the record starts spinning, I wonder why I ever doubted them at all. AGATHOCLES always delivers, and such is the case with their new split with California’s MALICIOUS ALGORITHM. AGATHOCLES strays a bit from their classic mincecore styling, opting for a slower, sludgier sound. MALICIOUS ALGORITHM plays brutal, lightning-fast powerviolence, but also with a classic grind influence as the guitars and blastbeats pair exceptionally well together. Both bands sound different enough to make this a quality split.

Mace Head / Slavery split 7″

Fun split out of the Czech Republic. SLAVERY really teeters on the edge of classic power metal, but is brought back from the brink once the vocals kick in, sounding more like DOOM with throatier vocals. MACE HEAD’s side of the split is much more crusty and lo-fi. Very reminiscent of AUS-ROTTEN with a phaser pedal and a soft spot for industrial music. Vocals are intense as hell, and I’m curious as to how they recorded them. A tad sloppy at times, but I think that’s what makes this a great split. No ego. Raw power. Well worth a spin.

Continued Without a Finding CWAF LP

Grind-sludge out of Massachusetts. Originally recorded in 2007, this album was recently mixed and mastered for a 2023 release. Could have fooled me, so kudos to the engineering team—these recordings sound very modern. Took me a couple listens to really sink my teeth into this one. Sure, there are your typical grindcore elements, like the insane chops of drummer John Gillis (of late-era AXCX/YOU’RE FIRED infamy). But the riffs are borderline nu-metal, and sound like songs PANTERA left on the cutting room floor. The vocals are layered with so many effects that they sound as if they recorded them from a payphone and then drenched them in an astounding amount of reverb and echo. However, tracks like “Just Another Day in the Orifice” and “Copulate” have more of a crushing, grindy/doomy edge and really make me rethink how I view this record. All in all, there are a couple stand-out tracks here, but CWAF opted for more quantity over quality.

S.H.I.T. Demo 2023 cassette

I love modern D-beat that doesn’t default to sounding exactly like the oldies. Great demo here from Toronto’s S.H.I.T. Brutal and fresh, but there’s something buried in here that makes these songs sound like they’ve come straight from the ’80s. I think it’s the vocals, as they sound classic and familiar, yet timeless and unique. A real crusty paradox! Lots of hardcore elements as well, with the guitars almost having a youth-crew-esque edge. Very full recording, and surprisingly heavy at points. Two originals and a couple covers from CRUCIFIX and BLITZ, respectively. Their Bandcamp URL is brilliant.

The Shakewells Who the Hell Are? cassette

Surfy garage rock that reminds me of the VENTURES, the MUMMIES, and MAN OR ASTRO-MAN? all rolled into one. Very impressive musicianship here; very tight and never cluttered. I think it can be a challenge when you throw an organ player into the mix, but the SHAKEWELLS do a good job of not playing over each other. Otherwise, this is your typical spooky-adjacent rock’n’roll release. Not bad by any means, but nothing really groundbreaking. If you enjoy the genre, you’ll probably love this. A perfect soundtrack for the Halloween season.

The Steves In a Room EP reissue

My first thought listening to this EP was “Wow, every band really does want to be DEVO these days.” Then I noticed this was a reissue from 1980, and thought “Wow, this band wanted to be DEVO during DEVO’s peak.” Which, honestly—bold move, STEVES. I can’t fault you for trying. But I also can’t help but laugh at the press release, claiming the STEVES sounded too unruly to be considered for radio play. Freedom of Choice literally came out that same year! Maybe it’s all tongue-in-cheek and I can’t pick up sarcasm the way I used to. I will say though, it was daring of them to put a disco track on the B-side in 1980. Now that’s bold.

Smirk Polyrhythmic Ticks EP

More drum machine egg-punk, which seems to be completely dominating underground rock’n’roll at the moment. I loved it when all those Total Punk bands did it, but I think it’s time for us to move on to a different style. They’re all starting to sound exactly the same. Most of this EP is very drab and dry, and is void of anything catchy. “Bored By Everything” is the standout track, and is a much more energetic and engaging anthem than the other three. I’m all about bands experimenting, but “Bored By Everything” sounds much more like their prior work and I think it suits them better. Coincidentally enough, I’m just bored with this EP.

Powerplant Grass EP

Dark, melodic post-punk out of London. Has a similar feel to the dozens of other drum-machine-laden bands that are everywhere these days, but POWERPLANT comes off more nuanced than their electronic peers. Less DEVO, and more SMITHS meets ALIEN SEX FIEND. I might catch some flak for this, but they also remind me of a rustic THOMAS DOLBY. That’s supposed to be a compliment, but I understand if it’s not taken as such! I need to give POWERPLANT their due for using sleigh bells throughout “Walk Around (Hang My Head).” You don’t hear enough of those in punk these days. No fooling!

The Dissidents / Vitrolic Response split EP

Cool split between bands from the US and England. The DISSIDENTS feature MISCHIEF BREW’S former bass player on drums and play your typical sloppy punk rock, but the vocalist is so intense and charismatic that it brings everything together. A true pissed-off poet, and the kind of singer I’m sure a lot of bands wished they had. Seriously great stuff. VITRIOLIC REPONSE plays classic UK hardcore and sound like a modern GBH with barking vocals, but also incorporates doom/black metal elements, like slowing the tempo and using sinister arpeggios. Both bands sound different enough that it creates a great dynamic.

Mass Separation Semarak Api CD

Grind-crust out of Malaysia. Sloppy and noisy as hell, the way the genre is meant to be. As is with a lot of these types of releases, the drums immediately stick out to me, as they are blisteringly fast and never waver. Guitars have a very powerviolence/metalcore tint to them. Lots of crunchy breakdowns, squealing pinch harmonics, and dissonant chords. Vocals have a ton of nuance and range from deep-throat growls to banshee-like screams. All in all, a decent release if you’re a fan of the genre.

Morreadoras Morreadoras y Ya Está cassette

Flexidiscos has been releasing some of the best synth punk out of Europe over the last year or so, and they continue the trend with London’s MORREADORAS. This sounds like Halloween punk to me. Like BOBBY “BORIS” PICKETT with one hell of an edge. I mean this in the best way possible, and it is in no way a slight. As with most of the Flexidiscos releases, the synth drives everything, and it is hauntingly chilling. The fun kind, not the scary kind, like the soundtrack for an ’80s Scooby Doo special. Again, not a slight. That’s a compliment! Top-notch stuff here, and just in time for the spooky season.

Cryptic Void Physwar//Psywar LP

Brutal death-doom out of Texas. Drums are absolutely incredible here and are all over the place. Recording quality is conducive to this, picking up every little thing the drummer does—almost mind-blowing at points, and really what caught my attention the most. Guitars are heavy as all hell, slow and low at points, and manically fast at others. Vocals are in the traditional death metal styling here, but sound great. All in all, a fantastic record for those who are fans of the genre.

Silicon Heartbeat MT0001 cassette

Fantastic Great Lakes beach punk from Kalamazoo, Michigan. Real surfy vibes with a hint of horror punk, like a poppy MUMMIES or a rustic EPOXIES/SOVIETTES with deeper, growling vocals. The synth completely drives this band and it’s the immediate focal point of this whole EP. The guitar and bass have tones that mesh insanely well and are locked in sync throughout. Lovely slab here, and pretty solid autumn jams if I may say so myself.

Kiht Fihsto Kiht Fihsto cassette

It took me a couple listens to appreciate this EP. KIHIT FIHSTO melds a bunch of different styles ranging from D-beat to metalcore to skate punk to Kill ‘Em All-era METALLICA. Sometimes when a band draws from different influences, it comes off as more disjointed than it does eclectic. That’s the impression I got on my first run-through here. But the more I re-listened to this album, the more it all clicked into place. They’re just a group of folks looking to have a good time playing rock’n’roll, and that’s all that really matters. To hell with an aesthetic! The guitars sound huge on this and are impressively tight, even if they are just power chords. As a fellow Illinoisan, I always need to give props to a band from Not Chicago.

Novak’s Kapelle Hypodermic Needle / Doing That Rhythm Thing 7″

A repressing of a 1968 single—I initially thought this was a modern recording of a band doing a throwback sound. Austria’s NOVAK’S KAPELLE played psychedelic garage rock, and while it’s a decent little single, I was much more into it when I thought it had been recorded in this day and age. I do appreciate a re-release for those who want this stuff on wax, especially considering that the original 45 has gone for upwards of $400 on Discogs. For fans of IRON BUTTERFLY and doing large amounts of LSD.

Endless Swarm Manifested Forms LP

I feel like I’ve been a little bored with today’s grindcore scene at large, and was perhaps a little nervous that I was falling out of love with the genre. Enter the UK’s ENDLESS SWARM, reminding me that the style is still alive and kicking. Quintessential powerviolence here; the perfect combination of hardcore punk and blistering metal. SPAZZ-like dueling vocals, heavy riffs, and breakneck drums bouncing between insanely fast blastbeats and groovy breakdowns. Very high-energy and intense as fuck.

Blind Solution Blind Solution cassette

Hardcore out of Tacoma, with a style that I’ve come to refer to as “blink and you’ll miss It” punk. Six songs in roughly three minutes and change. I’ll be honest, folks. If your band can write a decent twelve-second song, chances are I’ll love you. Like a more modern, polished NEGATIVE APPROACH. Great stuff here.

Squelch Chamber Eater of Self cassette

I’ve been a big fan of Owlripper Recordings over these last couple of years, but have only been familiar with their compilations featuring sub-minute tracks from harsh noise artists the world over. Imagine my surprise when this album (released digitally via Owlripper and on tape by Bastard Premonition) kicked off with nothing but a simple, clean drumbeat. I was being baited, but at this point I had no choice but to go along with the ride. The moment that blown-out bass kicked in, I knew I was listening to an instant drone metal masterpiece. Noisy as all hell, dirty, slow, and low. Reminiscent of KILSLUG or a much more rustic version of Bullhead-era MELVINS. Worth a spin for any lover of doom or sludge.

Dragnet The Accession LP

I sound like a broken record, but Australia is exporting some of the best releases in rock’n’roll at the moment. Gritty dance-punk similar to bands like BLOC PARTY and ADAM AND THE ANTS, but much more rustic, raw, and powerful. Drums and bass are massive and everything is just so damn catchy. Love the dueling harmonic guitars as they seemingly compete for attention with the keyboards. Somehow with all of this going on, the vocals still stand out front and center. Even within the chaos of having six members, the music never sounds cluttered or messy. Great stuff.

Pilau Pressure EP

Pretty standard hardcore affair, but man, is this heavy as hell. Grindy and doomy with a little bit of black metal thrown in as well. Very nuanced, which is important when you’re writing a hardcore record in 2023. Has a little bit of a Southern groove to it, which is unique for a band from D.C. Recommended for all raucous pit-goers.

Ford’s Fuzz Inferno War, Peace & Fuzz EP

With a name like FORD’S FUZZ INFERNO, I was expecting something doomy. What we’re treated to here, though, is some good old-fashioned anti-war pop punk from the Netherlands. I’d say that’s just as good. Very reminiscent of BAD RELIGION and all the other classic bands you’re all familiar with. Nothing really groundbreaking here, but it’s catchy and recorded very well. Recommended if you’re nostalgic for the skate punk of the ’90s and have a hatred of armed conflict (which I assume includes all of us at this point).

V/A Benefit for Prevention Point EP

Great compilation for a great cause. Nice mix of different-sounding bands, ranging from snotty garage rock to grind-influenced hardcore, from catchy to brutal all within fifteen minutes. Each band hails from the same region, so suffice to say Philly has a pretty healthy scene. Lovely stuff here, reminds me of the old compilations of my youth. Well worth a pick-up.

Priors Daffodil LP

Melodic rock’n’roll straight out of Montreal. PRIORS’ newest release is their fourth LP in five years, which is impressive in its own right. Power pop akin to MARKED MEN, FIDLAR, or MIND SPIDERS, great use of synthesizers that pairs well with the catchy guitar licks that are laden throughout each track. Although the guitars are the most prominent here, I was really drawn in by the rhythm section—lots of great bass runs and the drums sound crisp and tight as all get-out. Solid album, although it’s a pretty standard garage rock piece. Definitely worth a spin if you’re a fan of the genre.

V/A Err02 EP

Four-way split between four different hardcore bands that all sound pretty similar. Typical gruff, tough-guy riffs written solely with the pit in mind. HUNDREDS OF AU stands out from the other three with more of a classic ’90s emocore sound similar to GRADE and early THURSDAY. The rest are reminiscent of the slew of Victory Records bands that were huge in the late ’00s. I’ve always loved this type of compilation 7”, but you really gotta diversify the sound if you want to make it interesting.

Royal Drug Defend Degeneracy CD

Powerviolence out of Albuquerque that draws comparisons to SPAZZ and CAPTAIN THREE LEG. Great barking vocals more reminiscent of youth crew than grindcore. Drums and bass sound huge on this and drive more of the record than the guitars. That might sound counterintuitive for a hardcore album, but it works here. Groovy as hell. I may be biased, but bands who reference Altered Beast in any way get a gold star from me. My only complaint is the samples at the beginning of some tracks. I know this is a classic grind trope, but it kills the momentum on such a short record.

Frisk / Last Affront split cassette

Split between two hardcore outfits out of the UK. There’s a little bit of a grind/powerviolence element here as well. FRISK is reminiscent of early CEREMONY, while LAST AFFRONT has more of a D-beat edge mixed with NEGATIVE APPROACH. Really love the vocal stylings from LAST AFFRONT. They’re unique and help them stand out from the mix of other bands who have done this type of hardcore countless times in the past. Otherwise, nothing really groundbreaking here. Worth a listen if you’re a moshcore junkie.

Red Crap The Truth is Still Out There LP

Poland’s RED CRAP brings you traditional punkabilly with a little bit of a surfy goth-rock edge. The kind of band you might see at a hot rod show or a very large tattoo convention. Recording quality is fantastic, but that isn’t automatically conducive to an interesting album. While the talent is obviously there, The Truth is Still Out There is chock-full of old punk tropes that we’ve heard hundreds, if not thousands, of times before—very reminiscent of the early Fat Wreck bands. They would have fit in well with the Lookout! crowd in the late ’80s and early ’90s, but at this point we’ve heard this all before.

Gumm Slogan Machine LP

Oh my. This is one hell of a record here, folks. Melodic hardcore coming to us straight out of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Akin to the SUCIDE FILE and very early EVERY TIME I DIE, this album just feels like it’s from the South. I mean that in the best way possible, attributing this to their heavy use of twangy, jammy guitar leads. Bouncing between groovy, catchy, dissonant, and downright violent, Slogan Machine features some of my favorite lyrics I’ve heard all year—a lamentation of a lack of community within a “community.” At least that’s how I interpreted it. Maybe I’m just jaded. Great stuff here, and very much recommended.

Ex-White This is Future LP

If you had told me this band came from the late ’80s/early ’90s Chicago punk scene, I wouldn’t have doubted you for a second. Hailing from Germany, EX-WHITE’S first full-length ranges from dance-driven post-punk to raw, Midwestern melodic hardcore similar to NAKED RAYGUN and LEATHERFACE. Very much in line with some of the classic No Idea bands. I can’t lie, there’s a little bit of AC/DC thrown in here as well, especially on the titular track. Catchy as all hell, and released at the right time. This is a summer jam right here, folks. Give it a spin, you won’t be disappointed.

Completed Exposition & Blackphone666 / Transient & Bastard Noise split EP

Nothing makes me happier than seeing BASTARD NOISE still active and evolving after over thirty years of making ears bleed. Their most recent reincarnation has them teamed with Portland grindcore vehicle TRANSIENT, a partnership that has blossomed over the last several years. This pairing takes up the A-side, and it’s pretty much what you’d expect. Brutal powerviolence infused with classic industrial. COMPLETED EXPOSITION takes up the B-side and continues the flow with a style of death-grind that mirrors CARCASS mixed with MAN IS THE BASTARD. Go figure. A wonderful slab to add the collection for any extreme music fan.

Metrics Demo 2022 cassette

High-energy hardcore from Spain that teeters on the edge of egg-punk thanks to their inclusion of a keyboard. Speaking of which, I’ve been listening to this EP on repeat for the last couple of weeks or so and only just realized there were synth leads layered in throughout the entire demo. In fact, the guitar overpowers almost everything, including the vocals. Otherwise, the production here is solid and crisp. I would just suggest they be a little more careful with the mixing next time around. All in all, a decent debut from METRICS. It makes me look forward to what they’ll do next.

Big Rat Rock n’ Roll Fever cassette

BIG RAT’s new EP brings us four pure rock’n’roll tracks for the politically-conscious party animal in all of us. Singer Ian Brink channels Richard Hell and a nasally David Johansen, so naturally you’d think he was born for the role. With almost all of the energy coming from Brink, this is a very vocal-driven record, showcasing the authentic “punk” attitude that some attempt unavailingly. The rest of the band sounds very much like STREET BRATS and the JABBERS. Some great guitar licks here, at points giving off a real classic AC/DC vibe. All in all, nothing groundbreaking, but is absolutely worth a pick-up if you dig these types of tunes.

Italia 90 Living Human Treasure LP

Very cool artsy post-punk from across the pond in London. Darkened dance-rock akin to JOY DIVISION, ADAM & THE ANTS, and PUBLIC IMAGE LIMITED. Spacey and ambient at points, atmospheric and subtly industrial at others. Singer reminds me very much of Nik Fiend of ALIEN SEX FIEND fame. The rhythm section provides most of the hooks while the guitar is left to wander on its own, getting lost in a sea of dissonant chords and reverb-laden licks. Dystopian poetry for an ever-growing apocalyptic world. Lovely work here.

3D & the Holograms 3D & the Holograms LP

Man, I’m sure someone out there is going to read this and consider it blasphemy, but my first thought upon hearing 3D & THE HOLOGRAMS’ self-titled release was “this is what GG ALLIN wishes he had sounded like.” Rock’n’roll chaos that is as brutal as it is catchy. There’s no build-up or warning. Once you hit play, you’re immediately thrown into the tornado of sound. Much like a caffeine-induced panic attack, you feel trapped. The walls are closing in around you and there is no escape. However, you find yourself enamored with this unadulterated fear. You embrace it. You crave more. But with a blink of an eye, it’s all over. Fantastic stuff here.

Demoralized Demoralized demo cassette

There’s no mincing words here, folks. This is some of the best grindcore I’ve heard in quite a while. DEMORALIZED’S demo is very true to the genre’s nature—raw as hell, unlike a lot of the overproduced, studio grind you get nowadays. Drums sound natural and range from fast to fastest. Feels as if they were all done in one take, I mean that as a compliment. Guitars are heavy as hell and the vocals go unwavering. I’m usually not a fan of heavy treble on the bass, but it fits the DIY aesthetic so well that I can’t be mad. I terrorized my neighborhood last weekend by blasting this while grilling in my backyard. You kids make me feel young again.

Decorticate Conditioned By Violence cassette

Danish powerviolence with a hint of Ray Cappo thrown into the batter, sounding like BETTER THAN A THOUSAND merging with CAPITALIST CASUALTIES and other similar Slap-a-Ham-adjacent bands. Tightly mixed without being too over-produced. The drums are killer and direct traffic throughout, as is the case with most bands like this. Dueling vocalists channeling both youth crew and death metal energies. They’re not reinventing the wheel, but the nuanced singing styles make the album feel fresh, relentless, and unwavering. I am absolutely amazed that this is a trio. The sound is huge and intense as all hell. Well worth a spin if you love it fast and loud, which, if you’re reading this, I’d assume was the case.

Level Gone West EP

I typically love short and quick hardcore albums, but there’s something about this one that feels a tad empty and unsatisfying. The momentum is affected by dead air and sudden tempo changes, and it kills the energy midway through. These types of transitions work well on full-lengths, but for an EP that’s barely hitting the seven minute mark, there isn’t a lot of room to stretch your wings. I’d love to hear what an LP from these folks sounds like—feels like it’d fit their aesthetic a little better and give the building parts more time to breathe. Regardless, there’s some good stuff here. Very reminiscent of early CEREMONY. The drums sound great on this and are probably what’s causing me to long for more of their intensity.

Teini-Pää Sata Syytä Aloittaa LP

I don’t have an inkling of how to speak the Finnish language, so I had no idea what to expect with this record. The cover art reminded me a lot of the mid-to-late ’00s indie rock scene, and to be honest, because of that, I wasn’t expecting much here. However, this album completely blew me away. Very sentimental, rustic dream-rock. I can’t understand what they’re singing about, but I can feel it with the hooks and melodies. For all I know, they could be singing about something absolutely brutal. Still, the songs ooze with tenderness and nostalgia. “Mun Sydän On” is the standout track, the one that caused this album to sink its teeth into me. For fans of SUGAR STEMS and GOOD LUCK. Wonderful stuff.

Tee Vee Repairmann Organic Mould EP

More wacky, drum-machine-clad, DEVO-infused garage rock from our friends at Goodbye Boozy, this time featuring Australia’s TEE VEE REPAIRMANN. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it a thousand times: the best in punk is currently being exported from the Land Down Under. The rest of the world should collectively thank Strai’yah for their services to rock’n’roll. First half of this slab retains the traditional egg-punk we’ve all come to know and love, reminiscent of SNOOPER, ALIEN NOSEJOB, and CHERRY CHEEKS. The B-side features two slower ballads with a much stronger bedroom pop vibe. Really rounds out the EP as a whole. Great piece here, highly recommended.

Doctor Explosión Superioridad Moral LP

First record in over a decade from Spain’s DOCTOR EXPLOSIÓN. Great collection of songs here that bring to mind KING KHAN AND THE SHRINES melded with the MAMAS & THE PAPAS. This may sound like a weird concoction, but it works well. What you get here is a combination of the raw energy of a ’70s garage rock band and the bittersweet sentimentalism of golden-age oldies radio. Very partial to the vocals here, which sound like they’re coming from the deepest depths of an AM receiver in an old station wagon. Guitar work is incredible with licks for days. Great summer jams for those hot days where you sit around and do nothing but drink beer and sweat your ass off.

Sistema de Entretenimiento Sistema de Entretenimiento LP

Fantastic synth-heavy, drum machine punk from across the pond (Valencia, Spain). Diverse flavors in each track—well, as diverse as you can get with punk music. The first half of the album sounds like EPOXIES and GRAVY TRAIN!!! with a hint of ’90s Euro house. The rest are a mixture of classic DEVO and what could be described as a modern-day MUMMIES. I know drum machines aren’t for everyone, but I’m a sucker for them. Really adds to the band’s motif, and I don’t think a real drum set would do the music justice. Judging by their YouTube presence, their live shows look fun as all hell. Hopefully we’ll see them stateside soon enough. Lovely record here. Well worth a spin if you’re into melodic dance punk.

Endorphins Lost Night People LP

Sludge-violence out of Seattle. Not a bad record by any means. Band is tight, and production is on-point. But if you’re recording a hardcore album in 2023, you best bring something unique that makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Night People comes off as a formulaic, grind-by-numbers slab. Very reminiscent of a modern CAPITALIST CASUALTIES and MAN IS THE BASTARD, especially with the dual vocals. Drums are easily the most impressive part here, and really drive the energy of each song. Worth a spin if you’re a powerviolence junkie.

V/A If, When & With Whom cassette

Great compilation for a great cause, with all proceeds benefiting the National Network of Abortion Funds. Wide range of genres here, spanning ’90s alternative radio worship to West Coast garage rock to lo-fi bedroom pop. Hell, there are even a couple vaporwave-fused synth-funk tracks as well. There’s something for everyone here. Heavily recommended release, both for the music and the mission. At this point, all we can do is look out for each other and help wherever we can.

En Love Fled EP

Brutal powerviolence from Columbus, OH’s EN LOVE. Clocking in at under ten minutes, the Fled EP is a mosh classic. In what seems to be specifically crafted for the pit, this slab flows perfectly for anyone who is looking to dance their ass off. The EP kicks in slow and low, but immediately jumps into the action. No guitar solos, drums set deep into the pocket, just one homogeneous pile of fervent intensity. Very reminiscent of CLOUD RAT and other modern PV bands. I don’t know if this was on purpose, but the drums are blown out like crazy and it adds so much depth and vigor to an already massive recording. Good stuff here, recommended to anyone who loves newer grind.

Rumor Kontrol Here are the Facts cassette

I can candidly say that this release will not be for everyone, but I absolutely love what I will affectionately dub “bedroom punk”—hardcore drum machine madness from RUMOR KONTROL’s maiden voyage, Here are the Facts. DIY as all hell. Fast and gritty guitar that sounds like it’s being played from an old practice amp. I don’t want to mince words, I mean this as a compliment. Although I champion all things lo-fi and DIY, I didn’t notice the bass until much later in the album; my only complaint is that it should be a little louder in the mix. But other than that, this is pure rock’n’roll rawness right here. No ego bullshit, straight to the point.

Dead 77 Demons LP

The first full-length from Los Angeles’ DEAD 77. Upon first glance, I fully expected this to be a street punk album, but was pleasantly surprised to find that it was more akin to the early A-F Records bands such as THOUGHT RIOT and the CODE. Gang vocals galore here, which act as a call and response to the raw, melodic lead vox. There’s a delicate balance to be had between both, and DEAD 77 does a good job of not overlapping them. It creates a strong energy that is unwavering throughout the entire record. This is also helped by the guitars, which are layered into a wall of sound, peppered with fiery leads throughout. Well worth a listen if you’re a fan of late ’90s melodic hardcore.

Snooper Town Topic EP

I have adored SNOOPER since I first laid ears on them several years ago. Do you remember that “egg-punk vs. chain punk” meme that was big back in 2018? If you’ve ever had a hard time distinguishing between the two, I’ll make it easy for you. SNOOPER is the quintessential egg-punk band, and they do it better than anyone else today. You see, while SNOOPER might draw comparisons to bands like DEVO or TOY DOLLS, they’re something completely different. They are their own influence. Town Topic continues their trend of fast-paced, new wave jazz-punk. Quick little jaunts about the simple things in life, for better or for worse. SNOOPER’s guitar tone is what hooks me in the most. Clean, punchy, and swift; a styling all their own. Fantastic band who will most certainly do huge things in the years to come. Better hop on this train now!

Bothers II LP

Second full-length from Portland’s BOTHERS. Very interesting record, as it tends to meld certain punk styles that typically contrast. While a majority of the record has an early HOT WATER MUSIC/LEATHERFACE vibe, you can also hear a little bit of LAUGHING HYENAS-era John Brannon in the vocals. Songs swap between brutal, straightforward power chords to soaring harmonies. Catchy as all hell at parts. The bass is the unsung hero of this album, putting in work throughout. I wish it was a little louder in the mix so it could act as a stronger driver. For fans of No Idea Records and other melodic hardcore from the ’90s.

Choke / Döpemess split cassette

Music aside for a second—maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I don’t understand why each half of this split is being hosted on two separate Bandcamp pages. I’m aware that this is first and foremost a cassette release, but the majority of the folks who will be listening to this will be doing so digitally. I feel like it would make more sense having it all in one place. Regardless, it’s a pretty groovy split. Both bands sound different enough for it to be interesting. As a two-piece, DÖPEMESS does a fantastic job filling any and all gaps. Drums are incredible and never waver. Fast as all hell. Dual vocals give the tracks a real call-and-response vibe. CHOKE is much more slow and low, reminiscent of SPAZZ and CAPTAIN THREE LEG-styled powerviolence with their barking vocals. Drums sound almost impossibly fast at times. Comes complete with samples that are almost longer than the song. Good shit.

Compassion Pacing Animal LP

First release in three years from Brooklyn’s COMPASSION. Blisteringly fast grind tracks—blink and you’ll miss them, which is arguably the best kind of grindcore in existence. Everything is super tight and heavy. Drums are so fast and on point that I need to see it to believe it. Vocals are intense and nuanced, switching between guttural growls and banshee-like screams. Guitars cut through everything else like a knife, crisp and menacing. Very reminiscent of IRON LUNG and early WEEKEND NACHOS. Press release mentions that this band is a duo, but this recording is layered with two guitars and a bass. Would love to see how they pull this off live. Well worth a digital spin.

Split System Vol. 1 LP

There must be something in the water down in Australia because every band that has come through there lately has been incredible. Vol. 1 from Melbourne’s SPLIT SYSTEM is of course no exception. This album is what I would expect if the ROLLING STONES decided to try their hands at proto-punk, with the end result sounding like if the NICE BOYS had a heavier ADAM ANT influence. The vocals and lead guitar co-exist beautifully, and are both catchy while avoiding stepping on each other’s toes. Rhythm section is tight and stays in the pocket, letting the guitars shine. Great clean tone from both axes. Lovely record here, and very much recommended.

Desiccate Desiccate demo cassette

Man. I love this. DIY to its fullest. No-bullshit, heavy noise punk from the Great White North. Not a lot of nuance to their songs, but they don’t need it. DESICCATE isn’t here to be flashy. They’re here to fucking rock. Honestly, that’s what I like to see from bands these days. Energy that transcends the medium. No over-the-top production, no more than three takes. There’s no need for any ego-stroking solos here. Just the white-knuckle grip of a barre chord, the howl of indecipherable vocals, the grounded melody of a bass run, and a steady but powerful drum beat.

Alien Nosejob Stained Glass LP

This band is everywhere I look. I swear, I had three friends text me this album the day it dropped. With good reason, too. It rips! Guitar-worship to its fullest out of Melton, Australia. The press-release for this slab likens it to AC/DC. While that may be true for tracks like “Coastal Living 2,” I think the majority of the record sounds more like the NEW YORK DOLLS mashed with ZZ TOP. And not even just early-era TOP. I’m talking about the ’80s shit where they took a lot of risks, especially with “Sharp as a Needle” where the rhythm section really comes out for the first time. Speaking of, the bass and drums are tight as hell. I honestly can’t tell if it’s real drums or the best drum machine I’ve ever heard. Bass stays in the pocket for the majority of the record, and really gives the guitars the time to shine. Fantastic album, but seeing as it’s from Total Punk, you may already know that.

Sweet Reaper Microdose EP

Lovely little four-song slab from Ventura, California’s SWEET REAPER. Energetic, vocal-driven power pop with such a clean guitar tone that you’d think they were playing from an original 1950s Telecaster. Vocals are very melodic, and bring to mind MARKED MEN, RADIOACTIVITY, and a slew of other Dirtnap bands. Helps warm the bones on these chilly winter nights. Great stuff.

Mala Vista Ruthless & Toothless LP

I don’t know about the rest of you, but power pop has always struck me as one of the most “dangerous” forms of music—even more so than hardcore and the like. Something about a bunch of tatted-up dudes having the confidence to play sugary-sweet rock’n’roll has one hell of an edge. Lovely album from this NYC quartet. Very reminiscent of EXPLODING HEARTS and EDDIE AND THE HOT RODS, especially with the vocals. They’re not reinventing the wheel here, but the songs are catchy as all hell and the guitars sound great with crisp, soaring riffs. Makes me nostalgic for my younger years, wandering the streets of Chicago after a couple drinks.

Ingrown Gun LP

Classic straightedge metalcore out of Boise, Idaho. More emphasis on the “core” than the “metal,” the way it should have always been. The length of the songs is a unique twist on a genre that’s usually known for its long, drawn-out ballads. Brutally fast at points, transitioning into some of the slowest and lowest breakdowns I’ve heard in years—the kind of breakdown that makes me want to zip up my hoodie and head into the pit. Production is crisp, with everything sounding crystal clear. You can hear every little detail. Very reminiscent of DEADGUY and all the bands you’d hear from Spook City back in the day.

High Cost What’s Living Worth? 12″

Heavy powerviolence out of NYC. The drums are incredible, going from blistering fast speeds to slow and low breakdowns within mere seconds. The guitars and bass follow along just as closely, and appear to borrow some tricks from black and thrash metal, a really dark tone set early on that continues through the whole record. The vocals are easily the most impressive part: raw, unwavering barking that comes off very natural and relentless. Doesn’t sound like they had to resort to studio tricks to give them that edge. Speaking of, fantastic production and tight as hell.

Cloud Rat Cloud Rat Redux LP

A remastered, partially re-recorded version of Michigan grindcore trio CLOUD RAT’s debut album. If you’re familiar with them, then you heard this when it first came out over a decade ago. The record itself is great; the guitar swapping between relentlessly brutal and beautifully elegant riffs. The drums embody the classic grind element, while the vocals are non-stop barbarity from the moment you hit play. There’s a reason why this band is one of the top players in the game today. I just don’t think I understand the point of reworking the album—I personally think the original release still sounds better. If you’re a grind fan who appreciates ever-evolving production, then you’ll love this.

Ann Beretta Like a Riot! Live From the Broadberry (Acoustic) LP

More proof that the line between country and punk is much thinner than you’d think. Originally released in 2020, this 2018 live recording of Richmond’s own ANN BERETTA features live, acoustic renditions of their typically electric originals. It’s popped back up on our radar because DCxPC Live recently gave this album a limited vinyl release. Much like other country-adjacent punk bands such as DRAG THE RIVER and TWO COW GARAGE, these songs are a fine mix of debauchery and sentimentalism. The heavy use of a pedal steel and fiddle pushes the tender vibe while helping fill the gap that’s been left from going acoustic. Strong vocals, very reminiscent of Ben Nichols from LUCERO—very gruff but melodic at the same time. Personally, I enjoy these versions way more than their traditional punk songs. Really adds to a stronger dynamic and makes it much more interesting.

C.O.F.F.I.N. / Mini Skirt split EP

A fantastic split between two Australian punk bands. MINI SKIRT is up first with a very bass-driven style. The vocals come off monotone at times, but there’s something I really like about them. They feel authentic and sincere, especially on “Bag of Bones,” which appears to be a love song. Feels similar to Frankie Stubbs of LEATHERFACE. MINI SKIRT can be a little repetitive at times, but again, it works for them. C.O.F.F.I.N has a very different dynamic. Guitar-driven tracks with a vocalist that could be described as a punk rock MEAT LOAF. Very theatrical, especially when the piano lead comes in on “Under Your Wing.” This split works because the bands sound different enough to keep it fresh, but similar enough that you’ll be happy with both sides if you dig this sound.

Jade Dust Wild Geese LP

This band describes themselves as being influenced by mid-to-late DC melodic hardcore, and man, let me tell you…they’re either extremely self-aware, or they’ve done a great job learning how to reproduce that sound. My first thoughts went straight to RITES OF SPRING, EMBRACE, and GRAY MATTER. There’s a little bit of twinkling Midwest emo spread throughout as well. The vocals are energetic and melodic, they’re arguably the strongest part of these recordings. The guitar can be formulaic at points, but they sound great when they come out of the pocket. If you’re a fan of the late ’80s Dischord sound, you will love JADE DUST.