Having witnessed this noisy and friendly bunch live a few months ago, I already knew what to expect from this first EP, Punks Ganan. What will punks actually win from Barcelona’s DOMINACIÓN is open to question. Brand new hearing aids? A yearly subscription to Crasher Hardcore for Dummies magazine? A “design your own crust pants” kit for children? At least a very fine hardcore EP, that’s for sure. In terms of songwriting, DOMINACIÓN certainly belongs to that current wave of raw, distorted D-beat hardcore influenced by Japanese bands like D-CLONE or FRAMTID. Bands like PHYSIQUE, SIEGE FIRE, K.O.S, BLACK DOG…you know what I mean, mainly fast-paced and relentless with crazy Osaka-inspired drumming style, shouted vocals, and the intention to grab the listener by the throat and not let go. However, they do not go for that typical blown-out production that most do (usually thanks to the infamous Noise Room studio) and rather keep the familiar raw punk sound that Barcelona bands are famous for, so that at first, I felt DOMINACIÓN was not entirely sure about the direction to take. But on a second listen, I decided that, their intentions unbeknown to me, it was not a bad choice after all, as it allowed the band to occupy that unoccupied liminal space between raw hardcore punk en Español and crasher crust. I also think that this first EP should be seen as the first step toward a better, perhaps more focused and cohesive record, since the band has the potential to explore this space further. I allow myself to nitpick because I love this subgenre that has been getting busier lately, and Punks Ganan stands as a solid introduction to DOMINACIÓN by the always reliable Discos Enfermos.