

Poptonto Time to Think LP

POPTONTO utilizes a riffy, traditional approach to mid-tempo HC with an emphasis on power chords and serious lyrics. A very sincere bunch of tracks, but this band doesn’t stand out in the areas of songwriting, or overall personality. Okay.

Prevaricators Snubculture LP

PREVARICATORS specialize in mid-tempo punk rock with highly distinctive vocals and disciplined power-chord arrangements. The music is largely solid, but lyrically, this LP is variable from cut to cut. Commentaries like “Snubculture” and “Jesus H. Falwell” are well taken, but the apparently anti-gay song “Jesse’s a Girl” is in very poor taste. Some songs are sexually oriented Á  la early PORK DUKES. A problematic record, for me.

Prevaricators Détente LP

Because some people can’t really appreciate the fine act of sarcasm and irony, the PREVARICATORS have been too easily dismissed as a joke band or maybe just jerks. Too bad, because this is one band that consistently gets better with each new release. With both their sharp, pointed lyrics that attach stupidity and their full-charged guitar thrust, I keep getting reminded of NAKED RAYGUN at their best.

The Screws Drink Till I Drop 12″

This Texas band opts for a truly punk approach on this five-song effort, and the charm here is largely due to the hard guitar sound and the “fuck you” punk attitude. I liked the title song in particular, though the entire platter is filled with riffy, punchy, enjoyable punk rock. Good.