Against the Grain Lost in a Maze cassette
Mostly medium-tempo hardcore, this band utilizes both melodic structures and FLIPPER-ish noise to equal advantage. While raw and powerful, there are catchy tunes galore. Excellent.
Mostly medium-tempo hardcore, this band utilizes both melodic structures and FLIPPER-ish noise to equal advantage. While raw and powerful, there are catchy tunes galore. Excellent.
Hardcore that reminds me a bit of early SOCIAL DISTORTION, CH3, or YOUTH BRIGADE, while still retaining its distinctiveness. The DETONATORS use harmonies and what appears to be an acoustic-sounding guitar in their medium-to-fast-tempo songs, yet they have a lot of power and a certain edge. This album contains the classic “Do You Understand.” Great lyrics, too.
Personally, I think these two songs (culled from their upcoming album) have much more impact than the bulk of those on their debut 12″. The production is still murky, but here it accentuates a wall-of-sound style of thrash that almost sounds European. Both cuts also have memorable choruses and good lyrics, so I’m anxiously awaiting the long-player.
A new Huntington Beach band that’s got powerful, but not especially original songs and delivery. Their most charming aspect is the nasally teen vocals. This band should improve with age.