

Käräjät Maailman Onnellisin Kansa EP

KÄRÄJÄT is a ugly Finnish noisecore band that follows the classic audio terrorist footsteps of SORE THROAT. Short blasts of what sounds like a desk being used as a drum kit in, noise-driven punk, accompanied by chaotic riffing and throat-damaging screamed vocals. The “songs” are really, really short, in the good fashion of noisecore, and go for full intensity. As per tradition, these types of bands focus more on making people feel disgusted than on musi, per se, so Maailman Onnellisin Kansa (“Happiest Nation in the World”) is more of a critique of Finland set to a soundtrack of hellish noise.

Vedenpaisumus Eläma Peruttu EP

This one is a very bizarre listen. This Finnish band has a very lo-fi recording quality, and it also sounds like they really like bashing on pots and pans in rhythm. The fact that “sloppiness” is in the Bandcamp tags should say it all really. It’s certainly pretty out there, but I dig it quite a bit!