
Terminal Filth

Deviated Instinct Dance of the Plague Bearer 12″

With DEVIATED INSTINCT being one of my favourite bands, I cannot reasonably be expected to do anything but rave beatifically about how great this new record is. This cult Norwich crust band does not need any introduction, but suffice it to say that they coined the philosophical term “stenchcore” and contributed to making crust pants a fashion statement that all mums hated in the ’80s. Like many old bands (and not always for the best), DEVIATED INSTINCT reformed in 2007 and they have been going strong since, gigging and releasing solid, convincing records. What has always made them stand out is their ability to offer a relevant version of themselves, a progression (sonically and visually) that synthesizes their best traits and updates them, without mentioning playing better overall, rather than just trying to play their old tunes exactly the same as before—this almost never works, and it can make so many reformed bands so disappointing. They are still playing old school, heavy, dark metallic crust, but you can tell the members have been keeping in touch with the evolutions of the heavier side of hardcore music so that DEVIATED INSTINCT keeps making sense and is no longer seen as “the reformed band.” Dance of the Plague Bearer is fascinating for that reason, as it is a rerecording (from 2017) and reworking of five old songs (including my favourite, “Stormcrow”) that highlights the band’s talent to bring their classic ’80s crust into the new age. Dark and heavy ferocious stench-crust with brilliant growling, threatening vocals and dirty, metallic guitar riffs, produced just right and amazing artwork from guitar hero Mid. They invented that shit. Ace.

Deviated Instinct As the Crow Flies: Collected Recordings 2012/17 CD

DEVIATED INSTINCT is an essential monolith for what we call crust punk, or more specifically, stenchcore. The genre, named after their 1986 Terminal Filth Stenchcore EP, perfected the mixture of the dark metal heaviness of VENOM, CELTIC FROST, and SABBATH with the dystopian “no future” sentiment of DISCHARGE and AMEBIX. Alongside AMEBIX, ANTISECT, and HELLBASTARD, their music has left a lasting impact on countless bands and played a significant role in shaping the distinctive crust sound we recognize today, crossing over into influencing some death metal and doom bands along the way. This seminal act disbanded in 1991, went on to form an industrial-esque version of their sound with side project SPINE WRENCH but reunited in 2007, thus beginning a new chapter in their career. As the Crow Flies is a collection of all the music released since the band got back together. It includes songs from Husk, Liberty Crawls…to the Sanctuary of Slaves, and Dance of the Plague Bearer. Overall, the songs sound like their trademark, but with a more modern sounding production. It is an important piece of crust history.