
Total Recall

Häxorna Häxorna demo cassette

Rip-roaring hardcore punk from Athens, GA, and the debut release on a new tape label also from Athens, Total Recall Recordings. Three-song demo that consists of a total of two minutes and fifty-six seconds worth of music. I listened to the demo in its entirety three times just while attempting to decipher the bramble of a band logo on the tape cover, then again a few more times while I attempted to figure out how to type an “Ä” on a computer because I’m admittedly a bit of a caveman. Fast hardcore with D-beats peppered in for flavor. HÄXORNA bursts through these three songs with pure intensity and aggression, not letting up for a single second. Can they keep that energy up past the three-minute mark? I, for one, look forward to hopefully seeing them live to find out firsthand.

Joro Path Golden Lines cassette

I’m absolutely smitten with this release. Hardcore rock’n’roll fronted by a rabid King Kong recorded directly to tape. Well, at least it sounds like it was recorded directly to tape. The production for this EP is perfect. Gritty, raw, and messy as hell, the audio peaking at the correct times, leaving the drums sounding as if they’ve come through a twisted black hole. Four insane songs clocking in at nearly five minutes; this is one of those EPs where the entire thing is parked on only one track. No need to cut them up anyways, you’re gonna wanna hear it through from start to finish each time.