I Refuse It! Sogni A Doppie Vie EP
These songs are in a very fast jazz-meets-hardcore vein: quite an unusual combo, and one that probably requires an appreciation of both genres. Musically adept and quirky as all get out. For the adventurous.
These songs are in a very fast jazz-meets-hardcore vein: quite an unusual combo, and one that probably requires an appreciation of both genres. Musically adept and quirky as all get out. For the adventurous.
Sparse punk, done at slow-to-medium pace, verging on atmospheric post-punk. Sounds a bit like early SIOUXSIE and many successive imitators. I imagine the lyrics are all-important here, knowing the label, but I’ve got no inkling as to their meaning.
Like most compilations, a little spotty. RAW POWER starts off and blows away all the competition. Their sound here is sooooo much better than their first LP, as they showcase their breakneck stop-and-start sound with vocals literally spit out through your speakers. RAPPRESAGLIA and PEDAGO PARTY both go for a more popular thrash sound. The other band, RIVOLTA DELL’ODIO, has a slower art-damaged sound.