Der Durstige Mann Prost! EP
Eric Hysteric from the VOMIT VISIONS in a new but equally abrasive and frantic group. For further info, read the VOMIT VISIONS review below, but this time the lyrics are in German.
Eric Hysteric from the VOMIT VISIONS in a new but equally abrasive and frantic group. For further info, read the VOMIT VISIONS review below, but this time the lyrics are in German.
More raving, unchecked psychosis from Hysteric Eric (of VOMIT VISIONS and ESOTERICS fame) and company. Here, completely garaged-out grunge meets thrash with that bathroom recording sound. “Hectic Epileptic” sums up this group’s approach.
Excuse my German, but the six ditties on this release sound like light-hearted, goofy funnypunk in the best tradition of ERIC HYSTERIC and friends. While an inability to understand the lyrics hurts one’s capacity to enjoy this record fully, DER DURSTIGE MANN still manages to produce some fairly catchy mid-tempo punk—especially “Kronprinz Rudolfs Letzte Liebe” and the title cut—with somewhat overloud vocals. Pleasant enough.
Leader Eric Hysteric claims the most revelatory moment in his life was when he heard the GERMS’ “Forming.” He proceeded to pump out some of the trashiest, most barbarically brilliant stuff with his original band VOMIT VISIONS, on his own, and with his new assemblage. Here these guys are really sounding slick enough to enter the world of commercial jingles and the like. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still boss (the bossest).
ERIC HYSTERIC and his friends again treat us to some garagy, off-beat punk; here, however, the mid-tempo ditties utilize synth and rhythm machine to augment their hard guitar sound—and add a bit of dementia. The songs are better than ever, too, though my inability to understand German left me out of a lot of the fun. Then again, if you get drunk enough, anybody could understand this music. Good stuff.
Eric Hysteric and his drinking buddies return with yet two more garage sing-along tunes. Characteristic traits are thumping drums, fuzz guitars, raunch production, and lots of choruses. Fun.
Alcoholic sickness infects every one of the songs on this loose, funny, disjointed, and original album. One first-rate thrasher, “Wandertag in der DDR”, leads off an assortment of predominantly medium — to slow-tempo sing-alongs that have primitive production, and sound like the band is drunk. And yes, it’s just as engaging as past DURSTIGE MANN releases.
More garage grunge from Mr. HYSTERIC. A couple of noisy, almost poppy songs appear here, the best of which is “Wanna Be a Kid” with its cool background vocals, fuzzy guitar, up-tempo approach, and lyrics that I can totally identify with. For SHAGGS and old TV PERSONALITIES fans.
Totally garage, incompetent, and possibly charming (?). Let’s just say this could only appeal to fans of the old ESP label, those who can find “good” junk in dumpsters.