

Blue Ray Explain This (Deluxe) cassette

Dark electronic post-punk band with ’80s vibes. I loved the combination of more classically gothic elements (like the choir-esque intro in “Downtown”) with the large variety of vocal types (distorted vocals in “On All Fours,” spoken word-style in “Downtown,” speaking while exhaling smoke in “Gimme”) that really keep you on your toes. The variety of dark elements they utilized really contributed to their overall sound. With electronic solos in a couple of tracks, they really shine in their cover of “Wicked Game.” They’re able to take the song, change it to their more upbeat and post-punk style, and create a song that leaves you feeling emotionally crushed.

Bzdet Kłamca cassette

Solo project coming out of Szczecin, Poland, though I can’t find much more on the man behind the mask than that. This is an industrial take on the bedroom punk brand made popular during the pandemic years—instead of shamble-y, soothing moans and heartfelt hooks, we get cold drums and unsettling bass lines, plucked guitar riffs, and dry, monosyllabic vocals, distorted, droning, landing squarely on beat, making the tempo seem faster than it is. Between Syf and Xtro, BZDET’s got five previous releases, as well as a stateside compilation on Tetryon Tapes, so there’s plenty to listen to if this mechanical type of slanted krautrock is your cup of tea.

Bzdet Daleko Od Ok cassette

BZDET from Poland has been releasing churning, well-produced post-punk and coldwave for some time, and this tape is no exception. Trebly, bouncing bass lines and syncopated drums hold down the low end while repetitive guitar and synth lines tangle together like knotted up shoelaces under the echoed vocals. It’s all very cool, temperature-wise, and sounds like an artifact from early ’80s Eastern Europe in the best way. Songs like “Do Yarga” and “Boli” find a minimal groove instantly and ride it out until a fade out a few minutes later. It’s effective mood music, as long as your mood is a little gloomy.

Dell’Anima Nella Serpe Tre Salti Delie Streghe cassette

This Italian techno-punk band refers to their sound as digital hardcore, which recalls the first time I heard that genre signifier in the ’90s with ATARI TEENAGE RIOT. Much like that band, DELL’ANIMA NELLA SERPE employs angry, dueling male and female vocals over heavy distorted beats and samples. Expanding from Alex Eiffel’s pounding 808 destruction, this recording pulls from varied sections of the techno and rave underground with great effect. “Rabbia Post Tso” moves from a near-amen break pattern to full drum and bass, and “Melissa P” centers around heavy dubstep wobbles. The band really shines in the slow jams, where a sinister crawling synth haunts the proceedings, like on “Tre Salti Delle Streghe” and woozy standout “L’arte Di Fare Schifo.” The final track centers around a protest chant with cavernous, murky production that highlights the darkness of the whole album. This is punk first and foremost, but done so with careful consideration to complement their vocals with foreboding textures.

Dezinformacije Pijesak u Oči cassette

Croatian egg-punk via the Fort Myers, Florida-based Xtro label. This is six tracks of high-energy, all-gas-no-brakes, synth-laden freakouts, a twelve-minute sugar rush after-hours. The short runtime plays to the band’s favor here; much longer and a cavity might set in from just too much of everything. It’s fitting that the last track translates to “Electric Orgasm,” because that really seems to illustrate what is happening here. The build-up is fast, the pace is almost unsustainable, and the result is an explosion of synth, guitars, and wails all over the place.

Dope Sweater ’20–’21 Singles cassette

The long-running, self-proclaimed “Indiana garage punk kings” return with an unorthodox release. Recorded during the height of COVID isolation, the three members of this band recorded their own parts alone and sent files to one another to create what we have before us. Six songs which span a lot of ground stylistically—personally, I much prefer the dingy garage/JAY REATARD-inspired tunes to the somewhat more meandering, long psychedelic jams, but on a whole, this is a cool release with some damn good songs and an interesting tale. Physical copies limited to 25.

Glands Generic Waste cassette

Two-piece hardcore punk outfit from Rome. The songs are as ripping as the mastermind behind the project is self-deprecating. An absolutely relentless barrage of feedback amidst the four catchy songs. From what I can gather, this is a solo recording project with a drummer who also does the engineering of the recordings. Very cool. Not sure if GLANDS is a live project, but if you ask me, it sure should be.

Groind Keep It Clean cassette

Applying gnarly affectations over a solid rock’n’roll core, Oxnard’s GROIND serves us an agreeable mash-up of styles on their debut tape, the sound of which is certainly more user-friendly than the hodgepodge of the words “groin” and “grind” that they’ve chosen as a moniker. Though nasty in their distorted execution, these seven tunes are really old-fashioned head-bobbers armed with some soulful guitar. They even dip into ’50s-style balladeering on the closing “Status Quo,” and overall, it’s a solid introduction to the group that’s worth checking out.

Guðir Hins Nýja Tíma Ég Er Ekki Pervert ég Er Spæjari cassette

Two-piece Icelandic synth punk. GUÐIR HINS NÝJA TÍMA, or “GODS OF THE NEW AGE” if you prefer, put out their first demo in early 2021, and XTRO does us the kindness of releasing their brand new nine-song cassette in the US. Sometimes dancy, sometimes demented, with the occasional wildly unhinged theremin on top. As with all XTRO cassettes, this is limited to a mere 25 physical copies , and as with most XTRO releases, I can’t say enough good things about it.

Hairy Patt Band Lane Avenue Breakdown cassette

Unearthing recordings from 1995-96, this tape showcases the homegrown strain of weirdo river rock emitted by Ohio legends the HAIRY PATT BAND. A dirt-caked lo-fi endeavor with song titles like “Mustache Ride” and “Dildo Lover,” this collection of tunes from the once-prolific duo shares in the bluesy, bastard rockabilly lineage of the OBLIVIANS, KING LOUIE’S ONE MAN BAND, and BLOODSHOT BILL. Six blown-out tracks including a soulful rendition of Harry Nilsson’s “Everybody’s Talkin’.”

How Yes No Small Talk cassette

Quirky, angular post-punk from this group that appears to be based in Zagreb, Croatia. HOW YES NO keeps things succinct and minimalist in a way that I appreciate. Of the nine songs featured on this tape, only one cracks the two-minute mark. Both of the vocalists employ a deadpan, half-spoken cadence that works well with the discordant guitar work. There is a motorik aspect to many of their songs that reminds me of FAUST. The drummer makes use of some cowbells or blocks that emerge as the only real flourishes on most tracks. Don’t try to talk to these folks about the weather. From a band that gets straight to the point in a direct and artful way, it’s no surprise that they loathe small talk.

Jean Mignon AN/AL cassette

Eh, it’s okay. The production is pretty good and the guitarwork isn’t bad, but it’s just very plain to me. It just sounds like every egg-punk/garage-y punk release from the last decade. I guess maybe it’s just the vocals that rub me the wrong way, because they aren’t very pleasant either. Another one I really thought I was going to like. A little too tongue-in-cheek for its own good. Sounds almost like HASIL ADKINS if he fronted GENERATION X.

Cindy7 / Jimsobbins split cassette

The two bands featured on this split appear to be intermingled, as writing credits for all of the songs are attributed to “Adam + Lucy.” JIMSOBBINS kick things off with a synth-driven garage punk sound that hews closely to the egg-tastic racket being produced by Aussie heroes GEE TEE. Their four tracks are fun, frenetic, and well-executed. CINDY7 is not as easy to pin down. Freewheeling and unmoored, they do a little genre hopping, flittering from a loose and blown-out BLATZ sorta thing to something approaching crusty D-beat, and back to the egg-punk thing. In theory, I don’t mind the dabbling, but the end result feels half-baked rather than hard-boiled.

K.O. Queen #1 K.O. Queen cassette

Hardcore/screamo band that feels like they’re going to rip out your hair (in a great way). I was hooked when “Shrcc Attcc” started, and the raw, guttural sounds began. For me, it was a silly and hectic experience in the best way; the vocals were so goofy, crazy, all different pitches, that I swear only a dog could hear them. The track “Luv Bug” felt a bit out of place as it was acoustic with a banjo, unlike all the other tracks, but then the tape did return to its typical hardcore nature. Not entirely sure if I’m sold on that track or not, but all the others were a 10/10 for me.

Liquid Lunch Road King cassette

Hyperactive egg-punk that brings to mind PRISON AFFAIR after one too many vodka Red Bulls. Powerful, screeching vocals paired with scorching guitar licks and the occasional synth lead. As is the case with most of these egg bands, there’s a lot of DEVO influence here, but there are moments that have a ’90s Fat Wreck vibe to them, too. Elements of bands like GOOBER PATROL shine through at points—helps differentiate LIQUID LUNCH from the other legion of nerds out there making this kind of music. Good stuff here, and well worth checking out if you’re a fellow egghead.

Nervous B.O. Sick & Perverted cassette

Synth-heavy noise punk from Sweden. Six tracks of video game-y, drum-machine-driven tunes with intentionally wildly out-of-tune vocals on top. This would be in good company with the New Jersey egg-punk band I once referred to as “the most polarizing band in punk,” BIG CHUNGUS. NERVOUS B.O. (also written as NERVOUS BODY ODOR) is a bit of a confusing band to attempt to understand. They have a number of releases, a few since this one it seems, but it’s a little difficult to tell for sure based on how difficult it is to navigate their Bandcamp. I am as confused as I am entertained by some of these songs and the wild choice of snare tone for the drum machine on them. Limited edition of 25 cassettes (with cool little hand-drawn demon on the inside cover) by Xtro, not sure about other labels’ quantities.

Nov LT Recesses cassette

The use of certain descriptors can feel very reductive. Being in a band ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, and having the time and energy spent on writing, rehearsing, and recording songs boiled down to a couple words seems kinda lazy and (over) easy. So I ain’t gonna do it! On to the matter at hand…NOV LT (pronounced like “novel tea,” I presume) plays ultra lo-fi, new wave-y punk, served up hot and runny, right off the breakfast plate. The snot-nosed vocals and modulated guitars remind me a lot of SKULL CULT, but more damaged. Fuck art, this is nerd-damaged. The opening track is called “Daniel Johnston on Love Island,” for chrissakes. Not a chain in sight. If you’re familiar with XTRO’s catalog, then you know precisely what I mean. If I have any complaints here, it’s that for a band named NOV LT, I expected them to bring something new to the table. But hey, these lads are quite good at what they do and there’s nothing new under the sun. After all, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few…ahhh, forget it.

Oyo Demo II cassette

Second release from this Argentinian solo project, released May of 2023. The third release by OYO which followed this one, has also been out for well over a year. Five songs of lo-fi bedroom punk entirely comprised of drum machine, synthesizer, and vocals. Most of the songs on this cassette feel as if vocals were put on top of constantly dying in Pac-Man, which I found a bit panic-inducing. The final track, “Alien Hands (Body Language),” is so wonderfully bouncy and poppy and catchy that it is easily my favorite of the batch. Cassette released in the states by XTRO, who standardly do very limited runs of 25 copies, and seeing as this came out a year-and-a-half ago, it is already long sold out.

P.S Tensión cassette

Fantastic synth punk from Ecuador. Almost like a South American ATOM AND HIS PACKAGE/I HATE YOU WHEN YOU’RE PREGNANT, which scores huge points with me. Vocals are powerful and energetic. I wish I was smart enough to understand what he was saying, but I barely eked by in my Spanish classes in college. According to the liner notes, this was made with an authentic analog synthesizer. None of those bland, overused GarageBand samples here! Pure electronic madness, and well worth picking up if you’re looking to diversify your cassette collection.

Pet Cop A.S. cassette

Kooky two-piece German egg-punk. The recording is a bit crazy-sounding, even by egg-punk standards, but it works all the same. Seven childhood bedroom-recorded songs of high-energy and even higher treble punk idiocy. Guitar, synth, and a drum machine, but as far as I can tell, just the subtle “thunk” of the kick drum and the wince-inducing snap of the snare. Oh wait, they also use the “clap” sound on one of the songs. This rips, and is thankfully available the world over on three different labels. I know Xtro standardly does runs of only 25 tapes, so US egg-punk enthusiasts should get on it before you have to pay bonkers overseas shipping prices.

Straitjacket Man or Ape? cassette

Applying sore-throated, demonic vocals over some raging basement punk, Williamsburg’s STRAITJACKET gives us five songs of old-fashioned DIY stomping and ripping. Sentiments of anger have always been a popular catalyst for crazy kids starting a band, but sheer weirdness has become just as common. So now, I barely bat an eye when someone inexplicably yells “I love lemon!” over some unplugged electric noodling at the end of “Beyond Repair,” or when I see that they’ve included a song entitled “Taxidermy Vape.” Those are just tropes of 2024 wacky-core.

T.A.C.K. T.A.C.K. cassette

Stomp-and-crash duo from New Orleans, rattling the bolts off the garage door and red-lining their four-track on this wonderfully lo-fi recording. Stella keeps a nasty, splashy beat while taking on most of the catchy, screechy, and shouted vocals, while Roach sings back-up and pushes his guitar through a blown-out amp, performing lead fills between rhythm chords. Each listen draws me closer, and I think the opener “P.L.F.” is a fucking hit: “I’ve got a car, treats me kindly / It’s got wheels and that’s all that I need.” Any chance you’re doing a Northeast tour? Think these two would be a blast live. The Feed My Ego tape I got has the bonus single “Lunch” as the closer, and so does the Blä version, but the XTRO version does not. Each release also swaps around the track order, so you decide? Feed My Ego appears to be the band’s own label, so show some support!

Telegenic Pleasure Telegenic Pleasure cassette

Fantastic synth punk out of both Londons (Ontario, Canada and England). While the bulk of this cassette is filled with eggy, sugar rush synth spazzouts, there’s an undercurrent of power pop here that really makes things feel huge. The first track, “Sealed Off,” is perhaps the best example of this, with a melody that just soars from start to finish. That’s not to say this is a power pop record by any stretch, but just to highlight that there is way more depth here than what may be conveyed if you just listen to one track. Some DEVO influence seems inevitable as you listen, but with each track you realize the better comparison is any variety of bands from the We Are Not Devo (U.S. Synth Punk 79–84) compilation, or another lost classic like “Trust in Technology” by ADAPTORS. Dive into the deep end with this one and enjoy.

V/A INTRO (Version 1): International Punk Rock Compilation cassette

A whopping 57-track compilation crammed onto a 90 minute cassette. Some real heavy-hitters on this. Pretty much every current lo-fi garage/egg-punk-infused band you could possibly care about (and a bunch you likely don’t) all make an appearance—TELEGENIC PLEASURE, BZDET, SPRGRS, OK SATÁN, ISMATIC GURU, GOBLIN DAYCARE, and so many more notable names. If you like any of these bands, or are familiar with the XTRO label, then you likely know what you’re in for. If you aren’t familiar, then get to work! Only downside, and I say this with most XTRO releases, is that their cassettes are always so incredibly limited that it makes tracking down physical media a bit of a bear, with most of their releases limited to a mere 25 copies. I would hope that a compilation like this would be made in much larger quantities, but seeing as how the label’s Bandcamp says it’s already sold out, I somewhat doubt it.

Μπριτζολιτσεσ Α​ι​σ​χ​ο​σ Ν​τ​ρ​ο​π​η cassette

This is some ripping weirdo punk from Greece, something I do not come across daily. These songs do not let up, often anchored by breathless drums that have punk energy and a German psych precision and mobility. When the band strays from their formula of angular, anarchic lo-fi punk, the rewards dwindle, such as on the too-zany cut “Love Your Baby/Moron.” But overall, this is a group that plays serious without taking itself too seriously. The results are enough to make your brain wiggle.

Завірюга XXX cassette

Kooky, zany, wild, demented, synth-heavy Ukrainian egg-punk. In a post-SPIN Magazine egg-punk article world, where it seems everywhere you look punks are trying to out scramble one another, along comes a solo recording project that I can’t even praise since the band name is in a completely foreign alphabet to me and I can’t phonetically sound it out. And, it is quite possibly the most sincere-sounding version of this currently overdone genre I have heard in quite some time. This is outstanding! There’s six songs on this tape, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll rip through it and be thirsty for more. Well, my fellow punk enthusiasts, you are in luck, because since August 2023, this project, which I believe translates to BLIZZARD, already has five cassettes out, all of which are unbelievably good. The only downside that I see here is it seems that as of now, ЗАВІРЮГА has never played a show and the mastermind behind the project “prefers to work alone.” Somehow this just got even cooler.

Завірюга Complete Discography cassette

Eggy garage punk from Ukraine that’s not afraid to rock. Recommended for fans of TEE VEE REPAIRMANN and ISMATIC GURU, this tape features lo-fi shouted/sung vocals over catchy riffs and stuttering electronic beats. I wish I had some lyrics to translate, but the music transcends the language difference and will keep your toe tapping until it’s time to rewind and play again. Tracks like “це твій час” and “волчара тупо пес” have cool start/stop rhythms, and “18000” has enough stylistic diversity in its 37 seconds to reveal the level of quality songwriting and arrangement on display. Check it out for eleven solid garage bangers in a row.